A Minor Setback for a Major Comeback | Teen Ink

A Minor Setback for a Major Comeback

April 7, 2016
By KGiebeig BRONZE, Lake City, Florida
KGiebeig BRONZE, Lake City, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Strength is nothing more than how well you hide the pain."

Many people think that this is only a game, but to me and a few others soccer means much more than that. To us this means one tribe versus another being a hero or villain. To be able to defeat the other team, not only do you need physical strength and capacity, but mental as well. You need to be fast and agile when attacking, and you need to react faster and smarter when defending. Remember, offense sells tickets and defense wins championships.


I find soccer to be the best thing in the world because no matter how bad the situation ever gets, due to the weather, or however bad we might be getting beaten; things can only get better for me and my team. If the rain is pouring down and I can't run because of the extra 100 pounds I'm dragging on my legs and feet, I put the ball in the air and out of the other players' reach. When the heat is boiling my blood and brain, I relax, and try taking quick touches so I don't get tired. But overall, I try to keep in mind that no matter what happens to me and my teammates, the other team is feeling the same exact way.


I got hurt in the second round of districts for high school. The feeling was indescribable. I was hurting more so that I couldn't finish the game to help my team out more so than my actual injury. This was the last time I stepped on the field to play with the seniors that I grew up playing with throughout the years. That was the hardest part. I was told I had strained my calf muscle and for a month I was working to get that healed. After a month, my physical therapist noticed my knee wasn't fully extending back when I would walk. Later that week I went and got an MRI which showed I had torn my right lateral meniscus in my knee. I was going to have to get surgery. The thought of having surgery scared me because I didn't know how long a recovery would be for me. It has been a month and a half since my surgery and I am finally able to run. This is a good feeling but also very hard mentally. I can feel how weak my muscles are when I run but I have two of the best coaches and my best friend right by my side to push me and help me get through this process.


I've realized that I'm ready to take on a bigger challenge. It is now my time to get stronger, completely healthy, and become a college soccer athlete. I am not going to let this injury get in my way of fulfilling a dream of mine. This is only a minor setback for a major comback.

The author's comments:

Injuiries will occur if you are an athlete. It is not the end of the world. You may feel like it is, but it's really not. Find people who will be with you every step of the way and you will never have to feel alone. This has been a great learning exeperience for me.

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