Quotes from a Wise Man | Teen Ink

Quotes from a Wise Man

February 16, 2016
By Anonymous


“The deeper we dig for knowledge, the deeper we dig into our graves, and the more we find out in just how grave a situation the world actually is in- how humanity has grown stone cold and stagnant, its demise set in stone. The further up we fly towards the ether or the heavens, and thus greatness or enlightenment, the more we will suffocate, and the more we will lose ourselves in the black void of the cosmos- for utopias are not pure or shining white, but are actually pools of impure blackness. The further up we reach, the harder we will inevitably fall.”

“A candle in its effort the burn the wax it itself feeds upon will soon extinguish itself, and a fire, in its effort to burn all the forests of the world, will eventually peter out and die due to a lack of oxygen. All things destroy themselves when there is no control.”

“Poverty gives birth to greed. Greed gives birth to poverty.”

“Truth is a clever, elusive animal to hunt- it often camouflages itself amidst a jungle of intricate lies, or hides itself in a foggy mist of deception.”

“All wholes are parts, and all parts are wholes.”

“How did the soldier meet his enemy? With open arms. War and peace are two sides of the same coin.”

“Knowledge and wisdom are proFOUND as they were once LOST.”

“The time is right when there is still time left, though if none is left, then the right time has been forever lost.”

“If a man has made no errors, he ultimately had no past. If he had no past, then he has no future. If he has no future, then he has no present. If he has no present then he never existed in the first place. If he never existed, he has never made any errors. The cycle continues ad infinitum.”

“Life is a game of hide-and-seek: you seek your hidden self and thus your hidden potential/passion, whilst Death, that shadowy, feared creature, seeks you and your soul amidst the darkness that blends him, with your passion being the light that shines bright, but at the same time the very thing that will expose you.”

“The life sciences and politics share one common foe- this foe being free radicals.”

“Fishing for compliments is largely a dangerous game- your desired fish are the audiences you wish you could catch in terms of attention. All too often, however, the sharks among the audiences- the critics- are all too eager to speed towards you and maul your confidence and your resolve till nothing remains, preying on these things in an effort to kill you on the inside and leave you utterly broken.”

“The grave of a giant takes forever to dig, his coffin takes forever to build, his grave once more takes forever to cover back up, and the letters on the giant’s stone grave take forever to etch, despite the efforts of the little people in life. Those who have made enormous impacts upon history and have influenced the world in such a profound way are, in the same way, hard to cover up, ignore, or appreciate enough. The messages and examples these “giants” have made to the common man are too significant to brush off.”

“The irony of deep truths is that most of them are right in front of our face.”

“Men who serve themselves serve themselves to Man. Men who serve humanity will witness humanity serving them.”

“Isn’t it an absolute wonder that despite the common knowledge regarding the amazing memory of an elephant, scientists still decided to call the part of the brain responsible for memory and storage of past information the hippocampus? As if hippos have a memory that can match the capacity of elephants! I call this balderdash and an amazing demonstration of the boundless extent of humans senselessness.”

“Those who wonder wander, and vice versa. Those who do not accept the norm are except from it.”

“We cry with tears of sadness when we are torn on the inside."

The author's comments:

This nonfiction piece is more so an anthology of quotes that I came up with on my own free time (a series of maxims more or less) rather than an actual coherent story. I wrote all of these quotes in a Google Drive document as mere idle thoughts whenever the inspiration for these quotes came to me in a muse. I hope, sincerely, that people will find truth and wisdom in what I have to say about people, society, the world we live in, and our own individualistic potential in general. Some of the quotes above are observations I have made about the world and its frequent inconsistencies. Others are VERY abstract and out there, and as a result, require a bit of pensive thought before they can be truly understood. Still others are observations about our own human nature. Nevertheless, I hope people enjoy my quotes for what they say, and are able to interpret my written words for their appropriate meanings. To avoid sounding pretentious, I want to be frank and say that I've only written these quotes down for the sake of wanting to help others realize things about the world and themselves not obvious to the human eye. I could be completely wrong on what I say, or people might not immediately recognize the wordplay I incorporated into some of my maxims, but one thing's for sure- there are people out there who will understand my messages, as well as many out there that won't. But that's the essence of being an artist, or, rather, a philosopher, no? Half of the world understanding you from a certain perspective with the other half having no clue as to what you're trying to say? I'm sure many of us here at Teen Ink would 100% agree. 

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