The Confidence of Goals | Teen Ink

The Confidence of Goals

January 28, 2016
By TheAverageWritier BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
TheAverageWritier BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You could hear the slam of the ball against the plywood, watching the goalkeeper dive the ball didn’t stop until it hit the top left corner.  My teammates running up to me congratulating me on my goal. Then we restarted for their assault on our goal. When we were standing in the center of the pitch I was still congratulating myself on my first goal of the season.

Right when you walked into the complex you could smell the sweat and hear players and the crowd yelling.  I was 45 minutes early for the game I walked over to a neted area and got my ball and started practicing. One by one my teammates started to arrive. One of them took up goalkeeper and we started to warm him up. Then it was time for the game to start we waited as the previous players walked off. As we walked to put our bags down I could still feel the pieces of rubber from my last game in my shoe. The ref blew the whistle which meant it was time for the game to start. I was assigned to the forward position by my coach which meant I would be the head of the attack. I kicked the ball back to one of the midfielders they automatically started to dribble the ball up the pitch. He was right outside the goal box when he passed it to me. I went to kick it into top of the goal but a defender jumped in the way by this time my seven minutes were up

I just stood in the box waiting for to sub out the next forward then he said swich. They were attacking our goal by the time I switched the defenders cleared the ball. Now it was time for the forwards to strive. We were aggressively pushing I passed the ball to my teammate but he was quickly surrounded. I ran up behind him and yelled ”back heel!”I yelled that as loud as i could. He heard me and hit it off his backheel.I ran to the left i heard.

“Center!”Yelled AJ.

So that's what i did but he was also surrounded after he got the ball. So he passed it back to me that's when I took my chance on goal. You could hear the slam of the ball against the plywood watching the goalkeeper dive but  the ball not stopping till it the top left corner. My teammates running up to me congratulating me on my goal. Then we restarted for their assault on our goal.The entire time I was thinking to myself when you go on offense do the same thing.I was in the middle of the pitch waiting for them to start it off but it was clear they were going to try and shoot it. It didn’t work though our goalkeeper caught it my couch took this as an adventeg and subed us out.
It was now the final minutes of the game and I was back out. This would be the final push for us and we had to make it count. We got out and the goalkeeper punted the ball down to use I passed the ball back to one of my teammates the goalkeeper ran to steal it. He passed it to me I kicked it right into the center of the goal.
Couple minutes later the game was over. We all lined up and shook hands. We started to congratulate each other then. We all got into a circle to her my couch congratulating us on the win. We then grabbed our stuff and got off the field to head home. Going through this game changed me I was no longer scared as i used to be with the ball.

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