The Sharp Move | Teen Ink

The Sharp Move

January 17, 2016
By DragonZrLyfe BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
DragonZrLyfe BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Trudging through the forest trying perilously to escape my friend the  tagger. This was not an easy task he was fast but I was faster. I could see my feet as fast as a cheetah.

Finally I got away and hid behind a tree in the grass. He whizzed past me with great force I could feel the wind. Once he was gone I breathed a relief of fresh air.

I smelled a cookout not far from my friends neighbors house. Then it came a big rush past me and two human silhouettes ran right by me. They were my other friends I told them I was here and we all hid in one confide spot.

What minutes felt like hours passed by. Then out of the bushes something was coming out. My friends were ready to run but then out came my friends cat, Devia. One of my friends I was hiding with said “Come here kitty”! quite loud and then smack on my back the tagger got me. My friend was sneaking up on us the whole time waiting for the right moment to strike.

Everyone fanned out now it was my turn to hunt by the light of the moon I would attack. I heard all my friends one left two right they were not very quiet. I took the right path and began sprinting. Two minutes later I found my friends hiding spot and pretended to not notice them.

Then all of a sudden I tagged one of my friends and ran and ran until I did not hear any complaining aw why am I always it in my head i'm like “ you're NEVER it.”
In the next hiding spot I chose it was in a tree low enough to jump down incase of emergency. Then huffing and puffing one of my friends was right below me in the tree I was about to say i'm up here want to hide up here as well.

But I had no idea who was it so I did not want to say anything. So I broke a stick off the tree and threw the stick. My friend was gullible enough to fall for it. It was my time to escape again I was running thinking i'm home free then while I was running I stepped on a sharp stick and tumbled head over heels then came to a stop. I was holding my foot over the grass so no dirt would get in it.

All my friends came over and asked what happened and I told them. So the game paused and I hopped on one foot to my friends house and went inside with the invite of my friend. While inside my friend got his sister and came over to me with a washcloth and a bandaid.

She was worried but my friend’s sister is always worried and always overreacts. After my friend’s sister patched my foot up I decided to go home. On my way there I thought to myself geez my mom and dad are gonna kill me no shoes and hole in my foot.

When I got home my mom and dad were on the couch watching T.V. I walk in expecting to get a greeting. But surprisingly no they just faced the T.V. not paying any attention to me. So I walk to my room casually and then home free I'm in my room and get greeted by my brother.

Then me and my brother played our Xbox 360 and then three hours later our mom came in. She said “bedtime and hey when did you get here”? I mimicked a cat hiss and continued playing and my brother said two more hours please she said not unless you two do some chores tomorrow me and my brother said ok. So later we fell asleep playing... So I learned to ALWAYS go outside with shoes on.

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