One Cold Water Ride | Teen Ink

One Cold Water Ride

January 17, 2016
By Codym7046 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
Codym7046 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We were just about to get into the big green tube we were relieved that it was finally our turn after waiting almost a long treacherous wait we put our feet in what we thought warm water but was extremely wrong, the water was so cold, it was worse than taking a freezing ice bath we stepped in the big green the tube and the lifeguard wearing her cowboy hat and white lifeguard shirt getting ready to push us down the slide, took water and splashed us across our back as we were whirling down the slide, going back and forth the terror of almost falling over. The loud screaming of the ice cold freezing water splashing against our shaking body was torture.

My mom and I were going to Kings Island in Ohio. We were on vacation visiting her family over in Cincinnati so on a nice day we packed up the car and I was ecstatic going to a nice amusement park. It was an hour drive from where we were staying at her friend's house so on the way I had control of the radio and was the best thing ever so I was playing the Jonas brothers the entire time and me and my mom were both singing to it. We knew it was going to be a good and nice day. So were at the park and we paid for good parking so we didn't have to walk a mile from the gate so we got in the park and it was so beautiful you could hear the screaming from the rides near by there was an eiffel tower and a beautiful pond. So we went and got food from starbucks and skyline which was so good. Too bad there is not a skyline in new york cause me and my mom would go there all the time.

 So my mom is afraid of heights so she didn't go on rides, but I did so I did some fast and scary roller coasters or rides. First I went on the drop tower that drops you from 315 feet in the air. When I went up I could feel the air getting thinner and thinner which was amazing you could see across the entire park. When it dropped “let go” I could not keep my feet tormal they went flying in the air as I was screaming bloody murder hoping  the brakes didn't fail. When I heard the screeching of the brakes I knew I was safe.  That was the first ride I went on I went one some others like THE BAT and also Windseeker. They were really fun too but I had to wait in line quite a while to go on them so it took time.

So around 4 o'clock I was like “LET’S GO TO THE WATER PARK” which was not a smart idea so we walked around to the water park area. We were looking for the changing area and lockers we found them and changed and got ready to go on a ride. We picked the ride that i've done in other parks not there, but I knew it was fun so I was excited. We set our blue and green towel down and went to the line for the ride. Neither of us had a watch so we didn't know how long the wait was but it was long we heard other people having fun on it screaming but we didn't know if we'd ever be able to do it. There was a point where she asked me if I just wanted to get out of line and do a different ride or go back to the dry zone and i didn't know what to say because I would've felt bad for making her wait that long even tho she had to wait for me on other rides because she was afraid of heights I didn't want to have one of her only other rides to be a waist. So we waited for what felt like another 30 Minutes and then we were close to the ride and were talking to the lifeguard and other people in line. So we were just about to get into the big green tube we were relieved that it was finally our turn after waiting almost a long treacherous wait we put our feet in what we thought warm water but was extremely wrong, the water was so cold, it was worse than taking a freezing ice bath we stepped in the big green the tube and the lifeguard wearing her cowboy hat and white lifeguard shirt getting ready to push us down the slide took water and splashed us across our back as we were whirling down the slide going back and forth the terror of almost falling over. The loud screaming of the ice cold freezing water splashing against our shaking body was torture.


After the ride we decided no more water park and went back to the dry area and the first thing we did was get food and something to drink then I did a ride called the diamond back which was really cool and fun after that I waited to the ball slingshot thing which was really fun I had to wait about an hour and they had to call an employe from somewhere else to do it with me because my mom could not do it at all. So that was the last ride before we got ice cream and left. I had so much fun at Kings Island and I can't wait to go back in later years, hopefully with my dad so I will have someone to ride the rides with me.

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