My First Plane Flight | Teen Ink

My First Plane Flight

January 9, 2016
By yoli_e BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
yoli_e BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“ I don’t think I’ll be able to go on this plane,” I told my older sister before we boarded the plane
“ Well I think that you can do it, you have done worse things than this,” she told me.
They say to not let your fears get the best you-but I think that I might of let them get to me when it came to the first time that I went on my first plane ride. Well I could say that it was my first plane ride and you would not know what would happen in that time. With this feeling that something could happen; if you do know that bad stuff happens to planes, like planes going down, or getting lost but I did not want anything like that.
Going to the registration gates had me feeling like oh no you forgot your id so that you wouldn’t be able to get through the gates. Each step that I made after going through the gates was like each step to leading up to gates that would take me onto the plane. When I was going through the registration and the person that was there telling you that you were all okay it is like taking away your nerves, since in my head it was leading into saying that you forgot to bring this and that and not being able to go on the flight, then... seeing that you did have it makes you happy that you got everything in your hands or jumping up and down since you did something and you did not mess up. When that part was over we had to got to got to this place that they would check what you had in your bags, as the police officer said to the people
“ Make sure that everything that you have is 8 ounce or less if not we are going to threw them away,” he said.
So I had to see what I had and if it was 8 ounces or less, then I saw that I had things that was more than those 8 ounces then the police asked me to threw them away. It was sad to see something that I brought nice, new, and it was in good condition then seeing it in the trash. After that we went to go sit in the lobby that was from the airline and from there we had to wait like a half an hour. After that half an hour was done there was an announcement 
“ Sorry to say this but we have a 2 hour delay, caused but a rainstorm so please stay seated and have a good time meanwhile,”
I was happy to hear this since I would not go on the plane but at the same time was kind of sad since then I would not be able to be with my family in California.
After those two hours were gone they started name the seating like if you were in A class all the way to C class,and for me I was B class. When they said B class all the people from that class all went to the gates like the registration gates, to see if you were going to that plane and if you were from that class. After they let us go we had to walk through this one thing that lead you to the plane,
“ I don’t think I’ll be able to go on this plane,” I told my older sister before we boarded the plane
“ Well I think that you can do it, you have done worse things than this,” she told me.
When stepping on the plane I knew that there was no way back as I knew that there was not going back my hands started to sweat from the nerves that went to me from knowing that I really had to do this. On the plane it was not the best: cold, and my ears starting to pop. As we were going to find our seats they told us if we could please put our bag into this thing that was on top of our seats. Then to put the seatbelt that was connected to the seat, it felt like the ones that were on a rollercoaster but they weren’t like them as much. The flight attendant went around to see if we all put the seatbelt on right, with that my hands started sweating and a panic that felt like it was not going to end. Then the pilot saying
“ We will be leaving in 2 minutes, so please get settled in your seats and the next stop will be Los Angeles, California” he said.
In that time the flight attendant showed how to be safe just in case if something bad happen, yet everything started to come to me what is the plane crashes, and what if we get lost I thought. Then I realized why am was really nervous I have done things that were worst than this, even through planes do go high but I have to realize that I could do this. I just take a deep breath in and then close my eye’s later on I see that I had not to be afraid of everything, this was just the beginning of me traveling I knew that this flight had to happen someday if I really wanted to travel.
After the 3 hours were gone from being on the plane to get to Los Angeles, I realized that this was the first flight that was so post to take away my fear of going on planes. When the plane landed it was a relief like if some sort of weight was off of your shoulders; that I actually did something that I thought that could’ve lead to something worse but then I looked outside of the window and I saw that I made it and I was proud of myself then to see that I have it. When they told us that I was over and also told us to take the bags that we had stored in the top of our seats, then they showed us where we could get our luggage from, that was a conveyer belt that moved luggage in a circle  then I remember it was 5 and a half an hours that I was going through the registration and everything and then here I am here getting my luggage in California.
In this whole process I would see how those nerves could get the best of me and I got to say it was not the best. When this comes through my path I think about how this came to be and why I was really nervous. Then realizing having this fear and if I do let this get to me I will not be able to get or do whatever this fear is, after that you realized that now look thru it, look at it in a different perspective than something that would of been that was going on. After I did that I do any fear that goes thru my path I think this and now thanks that I went on this plane every fear that I have maybe does go thru this process; then thinking that why did I get this I now know that it is just in your head and you just don’t have to let this get the best of you. That is what I learned from this whole experience, just breathing in and out because everything will end up being better than what you feel than what you think that could happen because not everything is going to how it might end up being like how you want it to happen.

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on Jan. 26 2016 at 1:10 pm
MaKayla40963 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Wow this is great I would love to meet you sometime I love your work you should be famous.