Six Lost Souls | Teen Ink

Six Lost Souls

January 5, 2016
By Scriptless SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
Scriptless SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who know the truth. I am the only one who can hear them. Six lost souls with muted voices and a timid nature like me. Six who do not deserve to be dead but are. Six innocent souls separated by a single murderer. From the office, I can hear their cries, but I lock myself in and don’t listen.

Their sadness is their anger. They search for you throughout the building. They appear here and they appear there and they laugh with their childlike voices and bang on the door violently with their determination and it never satisfies their need. This is how they beg.

Let one relieve the pain of their past, they’d all break from the chains holding them down, each with their head held high. Save, save, save they say when I listen. They cry.

When I am too tired and too distant to keep listening, when I am a shred of hope against a vile fate, then it is I listen to souls. When there are no more sounds in the building. Six who stayed despite the past. Six who cry for help and don’t forget to help. Six whose only reason is to free and be free.

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