The Ride | Teen Ink

The Ride

December 18, 2015
By emmabreen BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
emmabreen BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

AHHHHHH! That’s all I could hear while we advanced up the old wooden ramp of the roller coaster ride “Shivering Timbers”. I thought to myself, “Am I able to do this? I can’t do  this, ok, I guess I have to.”


When we arrived, the line only had a few people waiting, so when we got in line it  only took about one minute. I sat by Grace. Jenna and Izzy sat in the seat in front of us. They had ridden the ride many times before. It was the first time for Grace and I. We were both terrified yet super excited.

“I can’t believe we’re on here!” Grace yelled in excitement. The ride instructor strapped me in and then Grace.
“I know! It was just last year we were afraid to go on “Zack Zoomer!” I replied`

I felt goosebumps rapidly spreading all over my arms and legs as we waited for the ride to move. The instructor came on and started talking to us about all of the safety orders. You can never understand them so we ignored it and kept talking.

“Jerk”, the ride had begun. I held my sweaty hands on the handle as if it were the only way to save my life. I stared at the caution sign that was in from of my knees trying to keep my mind off of how high we were. Izzy and Jenna were trying to make Grace and I scared. It was working.

They would say, “Oh we are so high up! Look we are almost to the top you can look now, oh wait, no we have a lot to go yet!”

The ride up felt like an eternity.

Grace was looking down and yelling, “OH my gosh!” because she was scared of how high we were.

She didn’t want to look down but she felt like she had to. All of a sudden a feeling flew through me like a bullet being shot out of a gun. Somehow I just knew we were at the top of the hill. We made it 100ft. high.

We flew down the hills. I felt the wind blowing threw my hair and eyes. It blew so fast and so hard that my eyes dripped water down, down my face as if they were a waterfall. “AHHHHHHH!” I’d scream as we went over the hills because it was like my guts were being pulled out of me like a tiger viciously eating it’s prey.

I never wanted it to end but unfortunately we were hitting the last part. We were spinning around and around. It was like we were in a tornado flying around in circle. I could feel Grace’s tears fly at my face.

The ride jerked to a stop.

“That was awesome! I can’t believe I did that.” I yelled to my friends as we waited to get off the the ride.

The lady came around and unbuckled us. I jumped out of my seat, grabbed my backpack, and flew down the ramp like a airplane swooping through the clouds.

That was the first time I had ever ridden a large roller coaster. I learned that I can do whatever I set my mind to. It changed me because now I am a lot more adventurous than I had thought I was. I can’t wait until next year when I can ride it again.

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