Melting Metal | Teen Ink

Melting Metal

December 18, 2015
By xoF_onnoyeK BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
xoF_onnoyeK BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My life flashed before my eyes, the sound of the crackling dashboard, the truck was on fire. It was normal day seven years ago the sun was shining there was a light breeze coming from a slightly cracked window, the radio was on but everyone ignored it. Suddenly, when we were driving down the highway a white mist started seeping through the hood of our truck.

The mist was now smoke flowing ever so slightly from the hood of my mom’s jimmy. My mom pulled over on the side of the highway. My mom’s boyfriend at the time got out of the truck and went to go check it out. He touched the hood and quickly yanked his hands back. Then he threw the hood up and bright vivid yellow flames with smoke that is now black billowing from the front of the truck.

He started to scream, “Fire, Fire, Fire wake Nikkia up!” At this time the seat I was sitting in the seatbelt was super difficult to unbuckle and sometimes got stuck. At this moment in time (the worst moment in time) The seatbelt decided to get stuck and the fire was slowly making its way to the worst thing in the world for fires to get ahold of. GASOLINE. My mom’s boyfriend came charging at the passenger door swinging the door nearly ripping the door off. The smell of smoke, melting plastic, and melting rubber polluted the air, the fumes became overwhelming, we needed to get out of there. At this time my mom already woke up my sister and got her out I was still trying to unbuckle from the stuck seatbelt telling myself, “Come on Come on seatbelt why now?” Then my mom’s boyfriend was trying to unbuckle it. He nearly got it but nope it was still stuck. Finally, he just grabbed me and just ripped me as hard as he could out of the seat belt. The seat belt ripped and he got me out and we just ran from the truck.
A car from the other side of highway saw that the truck was on fire and he pulled over and turns out he was a retired firefighter and he had a fire extinguisher and he ran as fast as he could over the median with extinguisher in hand and he finally made it he started to spray the extinguisher at the fire but it wasn’t putting even the smallest dent in the flames. Then as it started to put it out then it stopped nothing was left in it. Then rushing down the highway was the fire engine. 10 minute later the bright vivid yellow were nothing but a thick black cloud.

Trying to get out of the burning truck was a life changing moment.  It showed me how people can act quickly in a situation that is dangerous. He didn't have to get me out, but he followed his natural instincts and chose to save me.  Not only did I learn how quickly people can act, but it also showed me how important it is to be kind and help people more everyday of my life.

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