The Day I Learned How Fun Golfing Was | Teen Ink

The Day I Learned How Fun Golfing Was

December 18, 2015
By mishelle_bergsma22 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
mishelle_bergsma22 BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“We’re going to do horrible today” said Lily.

“We probably will, but let's give it our all and try to win” I said.

“Ok, let’s go,” Lily said excitedly.  I didn’t know it at the time, but I would remember this day of golf camp for the rest of my life.

  As Lily and I were walking to the hole we were assigned to, we could hear the birds chirping and the squashing of our feet as we walked on the wet grass. As we were almost to the hole, I slipped on the wet, freshly cut grass . . . when I stood up, I was soaking wet.

We finally got to the hole and started setting up to tee off. I put my ball down as I was getting ready to swing. Then I see something . . . a golf cart. I could hear the sound of the golf cart as it was getting closer . . . woah! That was a close one! Before I teed off I looked to see how far the hole was. It seemed like the hole was thousands of yards away; at least a par of 20, but it was only about 255 yards with a par of 4.

I turned and looked down at the grooved yellow ball; I was as nervous as I usually am when I get a shot, I figured that I was going to swing and miss. I swung up; eyes on the ball, then swung down as hard as I could. Watching the club hit the ball it seemed like everything around me was going in slow motion.  As I was finishing my swing, I looked up to find the ball soaring through the sky like a bird. It dropped; and landed on the green!

“Mishelle, that was amazing!!” Lily said.
“Oh my goodness, I never thought I could hit that far!” I exclaimed.
Lily then hit her ball which was close to the green but not on the green. After Lily hit her ball, we started walking to the green, “Best Ball” would win. As we were walking to the green, someone came and talked to us.
“Who hit the one on the green?” Mr. Perkins asked.
I said shyly, “I did”
“That was good, you could probably out drive me.” he said amazed.
“Thanks!” I said excitedly.
“Well, you girls have fun,” he said. That was weird, I thought. Why would he say that, I suck.

We were at the green now and we set our bags down. Lily and I took out our putters and walked towards our balls. Lily went first, I trotted over to the hole and took the flag out of it. Then I walked back over to her as she was getting ready to putt it. It came so close to the hole, but didn't go in. Now it was my turn. I walked up to my ball; just a light putt. The ball was rolling slowly towards the hole. I had never been so nervous in my life. As we sat there waiting in suspense . . . it went in! We looked at each other with the biggest smiles on our face. Lily and I were so excited we got a hole in two! Since we aren’t pros we think a hole in two is better than a hole in one. We celebrated for a little bit and then we walked back to the club house.

Lily and I finished golfing with an amazing score. Back at the clubhouse we were getting trophies. They were calling the winner for the 1st place girl golfer team. The suspense was killing me like I was at a wedding waiting for the bride to say “I do”.

“The girls golf team winner is . . . Mishelle and Lily!”

That was it Lily and I had won. We stood up and high-fived each other. Then I walked up to the front following behind her. Lily grabbed her trophy as did I and we held them up. The whole room applauded us. It was the second best moment of my life. Only other than making that hole in two!

This golf camp was fun. Golf camp changed me because I thought golf wasn't fun and that it was boring. After my golf camp experience I think that golfing is now fun and not boring and I want to go golfing all the time. Especially with the best golf partner ever, Lily Anne!

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