The Last Time | Teen Ink

The Last Time

December 18, 2015
By jmarie250 BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
jmarie250 BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The last thing that I remember was with tears in my eyes saying goodbye for what we didn't know was gonna be the last time. It was starting to be the last couple of days of our vacation, we tried to spend as much time with my grandpa as possible. It was the second to last day before we had to go home, and us going our separate ways once again. It was hard not knowing if this was going to be the very last time we were gonna see him. My grandpa had had health problems for years, he was a smoker and an alcoholic. A couple years later he had a heart attack, it really opened up his eyes to and he saw what he was doing to himself. So he stopped smoking and drinking, but it was too late, it had already effected his body. He had to get his left leg amputated and he was forced into a wheelchair- It changed his life forever. 

  We took the second to last day just to do everything that we could with him. He was in a wheelchair he could only ride certain rides. Before all of his health issues started and he could work he worked at the greyhound bus station repairing them (so he really liked cars). He choose a car inspired restaurant. It turned out to be really good, but I just got a hotdog and really there isn’t very many ways to mess-up a hotdog. After that we went back to the disney park and tried to find some rides that he was able to get onto. We ended up finding a ride that he could do, it was the haunted mansion, I swear we rode it like 25 times it was one of our favorite rides we all loved it. After we rode that ride over and over again, we went on another adventure to find another cool ride that he was able to get on. And of course because of my cousins they saw the buzz lightyear ride and so we had to ride it. When we were done with the ride, they saw a building that had buzz and woody in it. My cousins made us go get their autographs they said they would not leave without them.

It was the next day and we all knew this part in the vacation was gonna come… it was time to say goodbye and go our separate ways. All of our stuff was packed and sadly we were ready to leave the amazing rooms, the pool, the spa, the hot tub, the warm weather and the only thing we didn't leave was the happy memories that we made together. We took one last check to make sure that we didn't forget anything, with all of our stuff we found ourselves outside of our villa just staring at it in amazement that we had to leave it all behind. As we all made our way into the white fifteen seat van we all just sat there silent as could be, not saying a word to anyone. Finally someone started talking.

“We should probably head out, we don’t want to miss our flights” exclaimed my uncle as he started up the van
“Yes we do, I wanna stay, lets miss our flight” Said my cousin in a sassy tone with a grumpy look on his face
Finally we are starting to leave, and we started talking about our favorite parts and what we had the most fun doing. Knowing that I wouldn’t be able to see my aunt and grandpa for a long time I started crying, which made my aunt start to cry. Sitting there crying and laughing we told each other how thankful we were to be able to be together. As all of the conversation started to end we looked out the window sadly spotting the airport. We dropped off the van at the car rental building then we walked through the airports automatic sliding doors rolling our luggage looking; we looked at signs and our plane tickets trying to figure out which way to go. We got to the part that we had to split ways… there plane was one way and ours was the other. It was time to say goodbye.

“Goodbye grandpa, I love you, call us when you land in Vegas” I said with tears in my eyes

“ We will see you soon babushka, I promise” He said to me with a happy upbeat tone

We stopped hugging and I looked over at my Aunt as she started at me crying

“I love you sweetie, We will see you soon if Grandpa and I don’t come before summer we will send you a plane ticket and you can hang with us for a while”

“Okay Aunt Tammie I will see you this summer” I said while letting go and starting to grab my suitcase as well as my younger cousin’s suitcase

We were back home and we were thinking about how amazing the week in disney with my entire family was. What made it so special was that everyone even the adults had a fun time they could just let loose and forget about work, bills, and any other worries they have when they aren't on vacation. It was the last time I got to see my grandma, we scheduled a trip to see them because he weren't quite sure how much longer my grandpa was gonna be around. A week before our trip he passed and we used the trip to attend his funeral it was sad knowing that we were so close to being able to see him one last time. I learned the importance of family.

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