A Twist | Teen Ink

A Twist

December 17, 2015
By camishoup BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
camishoup BRONZE, Grand Rapids, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As we were going over the first loop I could feel my heart beating like I had just ran a 25k and won. The roller coaster was going 48 miles per hour but it felt like a rocket going into space. I squinted my eyes and just barely watched my long blonde hair flying into my face from the speed of the roller coaster. I could feel my hands clenching the bar handle. My hands probably left a mark on the bar, I was so scared. I heard people screaming and yelling, “AHHHHHH!” as we were upside down. While we went over the loop, I thought to myself, this wasn’t as scary as it had seemed. It was actually really fun.

About an hour earlier  we were waiting in line for the corkscrew, I was nervous and anxious. I couldn’t stop messing with my hands and fingers, which is a habit I have of doing when I am scared. I saw everyone smiling and talking with their friends and family; I realized I shouldn’t be worried. I knew nothing would happen to me, but I was still terrified. The line was actually really long, but because I was nervous, somehow it went by quickly. It took around 20-30 minutes to get through the long line. When we got to the top of the stairs where the carts were I could feel my stomach drop because I suddenly got very terrified again.

We stepped into the lines for which of the six carts you wanted to go into. I was in front so I would be on the right side of the cart, my dad would be on the left. I looked at him and he could see the fear in my eyes. He talked to me and told me, “I know it seems like it will be scary, but I am sure you will have a lot of fun.”

He looked at me and smiled as the carts rolled in. We stepped onto the roller coaster, there's no backing out now, I thought to myself.

I sat and felt my legs stick to the sweaty seat. I could feel the sun shining onto me making me hot like a cookie baking in the oven. They put the metal bar down and told us all of the rules, like no bags, no taking your seat belt off, etc. Then, we were off onto my first ever upside down roller coaster.

The roller coaster started, and I thought of how a few minutes before my sister came out from going on it with my dad happy. I knew I shouldn’t be scared, so I tried to not panic as much. As we were going over the hill, I could see the first loop coming up. I looked over at my dad and grabbed ahold of the metal bar. I squinted my eyes and hunched over. I opened my eyes a peak and looked at the loop right in front of me. As the carts were going over it, I could feel my hair flying all over the place. I felt a smile come onto my face. I realized how fun it actually had been! I enjoyed the rest of the roller coaster thinking to myself that I should’ve done this sooner because it had been so much fun.

Going on the corkscrew at Cedar Point made me realize that if I face my fears, I can have a lot of fun from doing so and make some happy memories. I remember telling all of my family I had done it and how excited everyone was. We went on the rest of the day going on many roller coasters that I had been too afraid to do earlier. This taught me to loosen up and do more things like that, because it was one of the best days I have ever had, and I knew I could face more fears and have fun doing other things like this too.

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