A Story I Want My Kids to Know | Teen Ink

A Story I Want My Kids to Know

December 14, 2015
By kaylabenn2 BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
kaylabenn2 BRONZE, Sedan, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“You bleeping kids I will bleep you up next time you do that.” The best thing I did as a kid was Ding dong ditching. I loved the feeling I got when I was running away from the door. If some of you don’t know what that is, It’s when you knock on someone's door and run away. When I was younger  me and my siblings use to pretty much raise hell in Elgin, We use to egg people's houses, ride around on our four wheelers being loud just to make the neighbors mad. We use to mess with their dogs just so they would bark. We were bad kids. One night about 2 years ago on  Thanksgiving day, All of my family was down. Me, My cousins, and my siblings were arguing about what to do. Someone shouted “Let’s go Ding dong ditching.” So, we all got dressed in black. Black pants, black hoodies, black shoes the whole shabang. We started at one of my neighbor’s houses. We all hid behind some trees and then my brother Timothy went up to the house, knocked, and ran away; we watched the old man come out of his house all mad and yelling and we tried our best not to laugh so he wouldn’t hear us. We then proceeded to a different house. An old grouchy lady lived here. Her name was  Gay. We all waited down the street while my cousin  Cale ran up to the door and knocked; then we all hauled butt away from that house. The last house we did was another old man. His name was cotton. Cotton was the meanest old man ever. We waited by this tree on the side of his house while my sister Breanna ran up to the front and knocked. Well while we were waiting something was rustling in the bushes and my sister found what she thought was a cat in the bushes. It was not at cat! Not at all. What she found happened to be a racoon. She didn’t know this. She kept yelling “ Here kitty kitty”. She stuck her arms into the bushes and out ran the racoon. We all flipped and started taking off. By this time cotton had snuck out his back door with a shotgun and was chasing us down. We were all super scared but laughing so hard we could barely breath. We ran all the way home and went inside like nothing happened. Everyone said at the same time, “That was so fun!” The reason I want my kids to know this story is because I want them to see that It’s okay to have fun when you're younger. If you don’t raise hell when you're young, you won’t have any stories to tell to your grandchildren when they’re little. So, take risks. Have fun. Raise some hell. Don’t let society's view of things change who you really are. Be you. Live life to the fullest and never regret anything.

The author's comments:

My english teacher inspired me to write this. 

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