How I Overcame the Passing of My Grandmother | Teen Ink

How I Overcame the Passing of My Grandmother

December 11, 2015
By Anonymous

It was mid-june or july, a very average hot summer day. I had woken up around three hours ago, and was making poached eggs and french toast for myself. My parents had left around one hour after I woke up. So it was just me at home with no plans. I went back to my room, ate breakfast and played some video games, the average for me. After breakfast I headed back upstairs to put my dish into the dishwasher and take a shower. I didn’t know what would happen in around three hours.


As I got into the shower, I heard the phone ring and thought nothing of it. I knew if someone really needed me they would call my phone. I showered then checked the voice message receiver and saw it was my Uncle Roger. I knew that he would need my dad so I called him and told him to call my uncle. After hanging up I wondered what my friends were doing, so I called a few one by one. All my friends had plans, which meant I could just play games. I get online and play for a few hours before my mom gets home. When she walked in the door, she seemed a little sad. I ask what happened and she told me to wait for my dad to get home, and I know that's bad.

My dad arrives and I ask what is wrong, he breaks the news to me that my grandma has died of old age and I feel a feeling in my stomach. My stomach churns and hurts. I head downstairs and don't know what to think. I feel
bad for my dad and two uncles, because I know that losing their mom is really hard. But I feel that she was sort of just waiting for it to happen because of all of her health problems. Overcoming this would be a little hard for me and my dad’s side of the family.

The time comes that we need to start to plan the funeral. We decide to have the funeral in two places, the cemetery in her hometown of Belding, and also at the church cemetery that she went to most of her life. We waited around thirty days, then the funeral came around. I woke up that morning with clothes laid out and ready for the drive. We arrived at my cousin’s house and unpacked for the week we were staying there. After we got unpacked, we headed for the cemetery. After the ceremonies, I helped dig the grave for the urn and put it into the ground. We moved to the next cemetery and bury the other urn. After that we headed back to my cousin’s home and stay for the week.

The way I overcame this is over time. Time helped me get over it and now I know that she is happy in heaven. To this day I know that she is always looking over me and the rest of my family at all times. I'll never forget her, and this is how I overcame the death of my grandmother.

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