Five Blind Bats | Teen Ink

Five Blind Bats

December 4, 2015
By PridefullySolo GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
PridefullySolo GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They are the only ones who see without sight. They aren’t the only ones who hunt within the night. Five blind bats with blind eyes and sensitive ears like dog ears. Five not active in daylight, but are asleep. Five quiet animals spawned by the night. From our night skies, we can observe them, but people just ignore and forget about them.
Their hearing is extraordinary. They send sound waves piercing the night air. They dart up and they dart down and snatch the insects between their pointy teeth and haunt the night with sound waves and with never seeing their prey. This is how they feast.

Let one lose their ability to hear, they’d all perish like a newborn without its parents, each with their ears honed on their sounds. Feast, feast, feast they say when night consumes day. They hunt.

When they are becoming too hungry too impatient to continue sleeping, when they are done with waiting for night, then they take to the skies. When there is no night left to forage in from the skies. Five who feasted without sight. Five who sore and do not forget to sore. Five who are blind to see and not see.

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