The Fist Fight Gone Wrong | Teen Ink

The Fist Fight Gone Wrong

December 1, 2015
By NoahAllenThames BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
NoahAllenThames BRONZE, Johns Creek, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 It was a sunny spring day after school around 5 o’clock. I was bored and had nothing to do, so I went to CVS to get a gatorade and a snack. There was a guy that seemed like he was waiting for me to come outside my house, and when I walked outside and started walking towards the CVS he started walking very close behind me. He was a tall, skinny, pale-faced boy, with brown hair. He was also wearing a red Johns Creek lacrosse jacket and looked like a junior or senior. He was walking suspiciously, constantly making sure no one was watching, with both hands shoved in his pockets.  As I got close to the CVS, the guy was still following me. I was confused and curious, so I turned slightly to my right and looked over my shoulder which was a mistake because he hit me as hard as he could right in my jaw. Well, me being a boxer and wrestler with anger issues, I struck back harder leaving a red fist imprint on his face that immediately started to swell up. I was extremely angry, and in my head I was thinking,” This boy just messed with the wrong kid.” But I was also thinking,” Maybe I need to just run away.”


At the time I was extremely small for my age, and he took advantage of that, picking me straight up by my neck and leg, and slammed me face first into the concrete. By doing that, the concrete dug through my skin and face so badly that your could see a little bit of the jaw bone. I screamed while holding my face, blood gushing from the wound and seeping through my hand onto my shirt as he dragged me behind the store. A person heard the scream and came back to see what was happening, when the man saw the kid dragging me across the ground the man yelled,” STOP! LET HIM GO!” That’s when the boy pulled out a cheap two inch, red plastic-handled, “Old Timer” pocket knife. The man, fearing for his life only, dashed to his car and sped off, without getting help. I jumped up when I saw the knife, that’s when my adrenaline started pumping, the boy started to slash at me numerous times and continuously missed. I tripped over myself but was able to catch myself before falling to the ground, giving him a perfect time to do one more slash, and he was able to slice my right forearm cutting t wide open. But it only felt like getting a shot at the doctor’s office, and I pushed him causing him to fall backwards, which gave me just enough time to snatch the knife from his hands and I broke it in two and threw it in a bush. The boy, knowing that he was vulnerable, swung his fist but missed terribly and I gave one last good punch straight to his chest, knocking him to the flat on his back.


I proceeded to try to grab him, but before I got close, he jumped up and took off running down the street. I was too tired to chase him so i let him run as i called the police. While I was on the phone, and after I told them what happened, they asked for my age and I told them that i was 13years old. The person’s voice changed from a worried tone to and angry tone and said,” We don’t appreciate prank phone calls,” and hung up immediately. Well i went inside the CVS and told the manager what happened and they checked the camera footage, but unfortunately they had no cameras where the fight occurred, meaning that the boy planned to take me back behind the building.

I wanted revenge for a long time, I worked out and grew six inches, and two years a I saw the kid at Kroger with his mom. I decided to walk past him to see what he would do if and when he saw me. As I walked past him, while staring him down, he saw me and had a terrified look on his face. I wanted to hit him so badly, but I said to myself,” You know what, I’m not going to sink to his level, I’m much more mature than him now.” I knew that if I had told his mom she would talk to my parents and we would end up in court. I didn’t want to have to deal with all the stress of it, after thinking about it and seeing how scared he was, I was no longer angry at the kid. I made a decision pretty quickly, I looked forwards and walked away, not saying a word and never to see him again.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write this because I learned a life lesson from this experience. It was that no matter what people do to me, revenge is not the right thing to do and that I need to learn to forgive and forget. And I wanted to share it with others so they hopefully learn to do the same.

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