Sacramento, My Home | Teen Ink

Sacramento, My Home

December 8, 2015
By anttheyoungin BRONZE, Sacramento, California
anttheyoungin BRONZE, Sacramento, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
i want to inspire a generation like a generation inspired me

Sacramento is full of the scent of trees and fresh air. I live on a street called the fab 40’s in a huge two-story house with a 13 ft pool . All i have to do is walk out my door and there’s the Tower Bridge laying on the Sacramento River. In the morning I watch the beautiful sunrise and take a morning jog to starbucks. At night I get ready and go to Old Sac to do what everybody else does in Sacramento, have a good time. In Old Sac there’s always people walking around, it’s never empty. There’s people fishing and driving boats in the Sacramento River, drinking and watching sports at the bars, going to Candy Heaven for two free samples of laffy taffy, or there just walking around.

I don't like to say this but I just told all you guys a big lie. I live in Meadowview, and my Sacramento is full of the scent of “trees” but not that kind of tree. In my hood bright lights and loud bangs are heard every day and night. The next day my hood is probably on the news. If it’s quiet enough you can hear a bullet fall to the shallow floor and a gun reload rapidly. Hate to say this but on Christmas morning i woke up to a horrible and sad news. My cousin just got shot on 29th street with a couple of his friends i was glad to hear my cousin survived but one of his friends did not.

In my community we don’t believe in cops, we think they are another kind of gang. If you guys are confused because cops are amazing and good people, clearly you don’t live in my community. I've been through hell in my hood, my neighbors have been robbed twice. We called the police but there just no help. Two
weeks later my neighbors house got shot up and there son got shot in the leg we called the cops, they came one hour later their  son is bleeding to death .They take him to the hospital and we are happy that he survived.  You’re lucky if you live another day because, in my community you work for your life. 

My Sacramento is a wonderful place to drop by and have a pleasure, but take my idea don’t stay in South Sacramento!!

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