Depression | Teen Ink


November 8, 2015
By Anonymous

When you’ve first seen the title you felt in your a heart something you don’t want to remember. Didn’t you ? It’s a weird feeling because you don’t know where it comes from or why it’s here. When you are going on with your life,this finds you. When it’s your first time you don’t excualy understand the situation. You tell your self that it happens to everyone and it will be gone in days. But sometimes it follows you weeks or maybe years. And even if you don’t realize it, it kills you inside. You start to cry without a reason in nights. You start to lose everything you care about. When people asks you, you lie to them because you think, at the moment that they can’t help you. Than, you want to stay alone. Not because you enjoy it but because you don’t feel okay with them. They seem different, lucky, happy and you hate them because they can’t see your struggle, your fight, your war.

Suddenly your dark side comes to light. You start a war even if you know that it’s a fight between you and yourself and in the end you will get hurt. People around don’t see it coming or they don’t notice it. But when they do they want to help you. And at this moment, it becomes a big mess. Let me tell you this, no one can help you about this. You have to do things alone. Depression is coming from your inside and only you can send it where it belongs. But the part is, once it comes out, it never goes back.

Thinking,thinking and thinking about your life. You think it will always be like this way. Feeling cold inside of your body, not showing who really are, scared to talk and very sad to be happy again. Of course there are moments you feel happy. When you try to sleep at nights and start to cry without a reason, again , you understand that you are where you started. You feel useless and empty. You cry every night to feel better the next day. And than you finaly learn the truth. Depression is always ready to take you down but if you don’t give it any power, it can never hurt you. The best part is you can decide when. But the problem is, are you still the same person after all this pain ?
Of course not.

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