I Believe in Girly Coffee Drinks | Teen Ink

I Believe in Girly Coffee Drinks

October 21, 2015
By SaraTomarelli BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
SaraTomarelli BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I believe in drinking girly coffee drinks.


When I was younger I never had the desire to drink coffee, until the day I saw a Starbuck commercial on the television. was in the fifth grade and according to my mom, to young to be drinking this caffeinated beverage because it could "stunt my growth". In fifth grade i was 5'5" and the tallest girl in my grade. I was ready to stop growing. We all go through a time period when we are younger when we want to be considered an adult and not a child, mine was in fifth grade. I thought that if I drank coffee I would instantly turn into an adult. At family gatherings I would alway complain about being the only one who drank hot chocolate. My cousins who were only three years older than me were drinking coffee. Why couldn't I?


Finally, around Christmas time my dad offered me a sip of his coffee one morning. Little did I know that he liked his coffe black. Trying to be a show off, I downed a huge sip of black coffee. That was a big mistake. The bitter warmth I had just consumed was too musch for me, I quickly spit it out before I swallowed any more. I was disgusted.


One week after that tramitizing experience I was Christmas shopping with my mom in Target. It was cold outside and on they way out my mom decided to stop at the Starbuck right inside to get something warm to drink for the ride home. When ordering my mom asked me if I wanted anything to drink. I believed this was my second chance. Second chances do not come around too often and when they do it is best to take them so that is exactly what i decided to do.


I ordereda grande caramel macchiato with one pump of vanilla. I asked for extra caramel hoping it would get rid of any bitter taste the drink might have. Drinking this drink gave me a n ew sense of confidence. Drinking coffee made me a very happy fifth grader. The feeling of joy when recieving my perfectly crafted drink from the barista still remains today. No matter what the situation is, I will always find time for my girly coffee drinks.

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