Raging Roller Coaster | Teen Ink

Raging Roller Coaster

October 13, 2015
By Anonymous

I was staring at the humongous roller coaster in front of me, wondering if I had the guts to go on it. My parents, brother, and I went to Las Vegas for a family trip. Once we arrived in  Las Vegas we found a hotel to stay at. After unpacking and settling in, we went to an indoor theme park. When we walked in it smelt like popcorn, as if you were in a movie theatre. That is when I saw the big roller coaster in front of me. It was pink and had a lot of loops and turns. Since I was only six years old at the time, I felt like an ant compared to it. That is when I made my choice of going on the roller coaster.

“Let’s go on that roller coaster,” my dad had whispered to me.

My eyes got so big it felt like they were going to pop out, but I knew that deep inside I wanted to go on it. “Okay,” I replied.

The line was extremely long, so we would be waiting for a while. Since it was my first time going on a roller coaster, I wanted someone with me. I was with my dad because my mom and brother were too afraid to go on it. When we were in line I kept on squirming around because I was nervous and had to use the restroom. 

"Is it scary or fun?" I would always ask my dad.

"Yes it's fun, you'll be fine!" he would always answer. Whenever he said that, I would take a deep breath to calm myself down. At this time we were in the middle of the line. When I started to get bored, I stared into space thinking that I had a little snack before we got in line. I was kind of freaking out because I thought I would throw up on the roller coaster. Being in line for a roller coaster was horrifying, but I told myself I will go on it no matter what.

After waiting for so long, I looked up and saw that we were in the front of the line about to go on. I whispered to myself, “You can do this, just get it over with.” I was jumping all over the place like a monkey. Then I felt everyone's eyes on me, so I started to calm down. Finally the gates opened and my dad and I were getting on. When I sat down, I strapped my belt really tight to my body. It was kind of too tight, but it was fine because I wanted to be strapped in good. By the time we were strapped and settled in our seat, my teeth were chattering and I was shaking. At this point I was terrified. I just kept on looking at my dad and he was totally fine. When I'm over here looking like a maniac because I'm so afraid. Everyone was strapped in and we were ready to go. “Are you ready?” my dad shouted. All I did was nod yes. The roller coaster started moving and I was very fearful now, but excited at the same time.

As we started to move we were going up a steep hill to get to the top of the drop. I gave my dad a worried kind of look. We were at the top of the drop and we went down really fast. I couldn't even let out a scream because I was so afraid. I was as quiet as a mouse at the time. We were going in big loops. Those loops felt like I was going to pop right out of my seat because of the gravity pulling me down. We were also moving side to side. I didn't keep my head back, so I kept hitting my head on the sides of the seat. It hurt! The ride was finally coming to a stop and it was over. When we got out of our seats we were kind of dizzy from those loops.

My dad exclaimed," Was that fun or what?" I didn’t even have to think about my answer.

"Yes, let's go on it again!" I responded.

Choosing to go on a roller coaster was an important choice I made because I wouldn't have gotten over my fear of roller coasters. Now that I've had the experience of a roller coaster, I've always loved roller coasters ever since that day. I learned that if I really set my mind on something to do, I will always try to do it. If I say I won't do it, I usually will do it. What you can learn from my choice is to not be afraid to try something new. You might end up liking it. You can also learn to conquer your fear only if you do the thing you're afraid of. My fear is that I'm afraid of heights. To overcome that a little more, I went on a roller coaster because they get pretty high above the ground.

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