My Nosasaurus | Teen Ink

My Nosasaurus

September 23, 2015
By Veron56 GOLD, Loveland, Ohio
Veron56 GOLD, Loveland, Ohio
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I found myself staring into the mirror a few days ago, looking at my most prominent feature.  My nose.  Allow me to give you the run-down on my nose.  It's huge.  Positively massive.  With large nostrils and a little vertical crease at the tip.  My whole family has big noses, except my two older sisters (of course).  I've always been a little insecure about it, and some days I wrestle with intense hatred for it, and some days I say, "Heck with it! It works and it gives me personality!"  Those days are the best. The pros of having a colassal nose mean you can criticize others' noses freely, because none are more horrendous than your own.  You can smell things very well and with such big nasal passages, it probably cuts down on the time you would have a cold.  Getting serious, it's a great way to stay humble.  So for once, I looked at my nose with love, not loathing.

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