The Struggles of a Foster Child | Teen Ink

The Struggles of a Foster Child

September 16, 2015
By Deri5599 BRONZE, Langston, Oklahoma
Deri5599 BRONZE, Langston, Oklahoma
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you have nothing is impossible

Many people take it upon themselves to judge foster kids because of where they come from.  Some like me didn’t have the luxury of a stable home. The ones who can’t see the whole picture blame the child. They decide to judge the book without reading it; they will just read the outside. Instead of helping they make up stereotypes, because they fail to too see the whole picture. I once was embarrassed because of the struggles I faced. I allowed myself to be put down by others who didn’t even know me. At times I allowed myself to believe that my misfortunes were my fault. I thank God for my struggles because I soon learned “Without struggle there is no success. People don’t realize the only way you can help Foster kids is by showing them kindness, and love. Overtime I came to realize it’s not where you come from, but where you’re going, and I know I’m going places. People will assume the worst because of where you come from; you have to remind them it’s where you’re going.

The author's comments:

I am 14 years old. I was a foster child, I am now adopted by my uncle.  Others aren't as lucky as I was to get out of the sytem, this piece is for them.  I experienced so much pain, and I still do.  I figure if people read about it, it could ggreatly affect someone elses life for the better.

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