Microwaves Just Hate Me | Teen Ink

Microwaves Just Hate Me

May 15, 2015
By Sydney Lewis BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
Sydney Lewis BRONZE, Sioux City, Iowa
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 If I could recieve a gold medal for how many destroyed microwaves my family and I went threw within just one year, I would win it for sure. Don't get me wrong, microwaves are a great tool to use if you want to heat up something in a matter of just a few seconds. But the thing that the instructions don't tell you leave you having to buy six new ones within a year. One year! The problem that arises is that something mysteriously blows up and you don't even know it or the quality is so cheap that it just gives up in the first thirty seconds. One incident that happened is that I tried to cook a pizza in the microwave for ten minutes and it was all burnt on the plate and it was smoking heavily, so i just threw it out ( the microwave). The next mistake is that I put a frozen waterbottle in there to see if the water would unfreeze. The pastic melted right underneath the microwave plate and and it suddenly stopped working. Another time was when I heated up some spaghetti that was in a bowl and it had a metal lid on top of it and the lid bounced right off and popped the door opened and the microwave door feel right off it's hinges and smoke crowded the whle entire kitchen. It smelled like burnt metal for nearly a week. Anyone who ever meets me or knows me, never let me use your microwave because odds are that you will be buying a new one within the hour that I use it. I mean I'm not saying you can't personally read some directions on the internet about what NOT to use in the microwave, but I didn't. Microwaves are a really great tool to use. Just not me personally. Be cautioned my friends,microwaves can be evil pieces of electricity. Litearlly!

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on May. 22 2015 at 11:05 am
WordAddict GOLD, Montclair, New Jersey
13 articles 0 photos 30 comments

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I've done that so many times as well, haha. I once put my cat's food that was in a metal container in the microwave because it was frozen and I didn't want my cat eating it like that, but it looked like a lightning storm was going on inside my microwave and didn't realize what was happening until my friend said, "Is that supposed to happen?" "Uh...No." haha