Treasure | Teen Ink


April 28, 2015
By Morgan Merbeth SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
Morgan Merbeth SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Anxious to reach the top, I race up the weathered tower stairs. I can see out into the distance for miles and miles. I look to the north--a lake--and to the south--an ever-growing forest, to the east--small head lights speed down the freeway.

A light mist tickles my face. We stand together at the top of Lapham Peak staring out at the world. For a few minutes, it feels as though we are the only two people for miles. A thin fog blankets the trees, making them an emerald green.

I run my hands across the rough, wood railing. Delicately engraved in the wood are names of those who have shared the same wondrous experience as me. A slight wind whips through my hair as I start to wonder how many people in Waukesha have never experienced this treasure of nature that is only a short drive away.

Leaving the park gives me feelings of sadness, but also brings a sense of comfort that only a breath of fresh air could achieve. Lapham Peak is one of the many truly remarkable treasures of Waukesha County.

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