If He Likes Me. | Teen Ink

If He Likes Me.

March 24, 2015
By Anonymous

Why do they always leave? It’s just the typical love story. He runs after her, try his best to get her and then dumb her. It’s always this way. After making her all dreamy and raising her hopes up, he either says ‘let’s break up’ or simply cheats.

I don’t really know how things are like in other parts of the world but that’s how it is here. After being all sweet and gentle, calling several times a day, and texting good mornings and good nights he starts disappearing for no apparent reason…A change in heart maybe?

I don’t really understand how boys think but I have two possible explanations for such actions: Either he was lying from the very beginning and that’s the worst, and most shitty thing ever. Or he’s so stupid that he cant understand himself and he runs after any chick the catches his eye.
I think I will never get what’s going on their minds!

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This article has 1 comment.

Loky said...
on Mar. 29 2015 at 3:55 pm
i can totally relate, you know these things happen everywhere really. but i believe that not all boys are like that tho