Postlude to a Dream | Teen Ink

Postlude to a Dream

March 5, 2015
By StoryCatcher BRONZE, Milford, Massachusetts
StoryCatcher BRONZE, Milford, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am and always will be - the optimist. The hope of far flung hopes. The dreamer of improbable dreams. -Doctor Who

When you were a child you encountered  a beautiful thing, something that made sense in a way nothing else ever had.
You found inside of yourself an intuitive draw toward the graceful; an intense love for the raw unassuming honesty of movement.

You loved the simplicity of an empty stage and the warmth and safety the little alcoves offered just beyond the reach of the hot stage lights. And as you grew as both a dancer and a girl you learned that maturity is finding how to show what is on the inside on the outside; and then learning how to love it, nurture it, and except it.

"It is how you do what you do." you were told. And you soon found that how you did what you did was different than anything you had ever seen; and that it was beautiful because of that.

You found that how we think of ourselves and our actions greatly influences our experience and that how we look at things is what makes them beautiful.

But sometimes we do not grow as our dreams do and soon the realization that you would never reach your own expectation began to become apparent. You began to dread long hours, late nights, and exhaustion.

What was once a choice was becoming a burden.
It was time to let the dream go and give yourself permission to abandon a losing battle.

You thought you would wait until the very last second to let it go but when you found yourself standing alone on the empty stage; you realized you already had. And for the first time in your life, you felt like you had grown up.

And even though this may look like the end of a sad story; it's not.

Because you learned to laugh at yourself. Your learned how to work hard. You learned how to do what you do. And you learned how to hear the music.

And so when the music is good;

you will know how to dance.

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