Fabric Findings | Teen Ink

Fabric Findings

March 5, 2015
By amberjulianne SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
amberjulianne SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

One day during this past winter, I asked my grandma who loves to sew, “I’d like to learn how to sew.”  She replied, “Ok,” with a smile.  A few weeks later she found a dollar pattern for an easy dress.  As we were backing out to head to the fabric store, the lights in the car came on.  Before completely backing out, we opened and shut all the doors.  Then as we were driving, the lights would only come on if we were moving.  They would turn off when the brakes were put on.  The trunk was open.  Finally, we made to the store to pick out some fabric for the dress I was going to make. 
When walking into a Jo Ann’s Fabric and Crafts Store, my eyes went straight to the fashionable, fabulous, fabrics toward the left.  There are so many textures and colors.  The rows are filled with wool, cotton, flannel, silks, nettings, denim, fleece, and upholstery fabric.  To the right were crafting materials such as scrapbooking paper, cake decorating, stickers, jewelry making items, and yarns.  Buttons, threads, zippers, seasonal items and the cutting board can be found in the middle.  This day I would not need anything from the right side only the left and the middle.
In the store we opened the pattern, which suggested using either cotton or gingham.  We looked at the plain colors first.  They were toward the front on the left side.  Then we look at patterns.  I felt like a berry and nut finder but instead of looking for food I was looking for the perfect pattern.  A few rows down I found the perfect fabric, which was white with black music notes.  I loved it because I’m in band, and it would be perfect to wear to a band concert.  After that we went and picked out some black material for the cumberbun.  These next few items would be very important or else I would not be able to wear the dress.  Next we needed buttons and a zipper.  The buttons we found were not the right size though.  The pattern called for one inch buttons, but the buttons we found were seven eighths of an inch.  It won’t make much of a difference.  ‘I can’t wait till the band concert that will be held in May,’ I thought. 
My grandpa said that if my grandma would ever work at Jo Ann’s she would never bring home a paycheck, which is not true because she always uses coupons.  It comes in handy when a person only has so much money to spend like me.  We bought all the materials and will start working on it during spring break.  Hopefully, we finish the dress during spring break. 
On the way home, my grandma said, “Maybe if you do a good job on this project, I’ll let you make your military strut costume for baton.”
“Ok,” I replied.
But to be honest, I do not really want to make my costume because I do not want to mess it up.  I guess we will see how I do making this dress.

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