Living Life on the Sidelines | Teen Ink

Living Life on the Sidelines

February 27, 2015
By Pkkhan SILVER, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Pkkhan SILVER, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her skin is white as snow. Her lips are chapped as the desert ground. Her eyes indicate so much pain. Her hair is brittle and untrimmed. Most of all, her heart is too weak to care anymore. Everyday she gets out of bed, telling herself, “Just a couple hours.” She's scared of the world her feet walk on, terrified of the people and the surroundings. She’s an outcast, viewing life from the sidelines. Every bone in her body, wishes to be away from this cruel world. She sees things that no one else can. Her withdrawal from society showed her how cruel life can be to any person, whether good or bad. She saw how the girl who used to be filled with joy and radiance, now takes comfort in the bottle of vodka by the constant pressures of her “friends”. She sees how the quarterback of the football team laughs in the hallways, but when he is alone, he cries violently for being strong for everyone for far too long. She sees how an innocent girl can be all so healthy one minute in the presence of her friends, but she throws out all the contents she consumed after her lunch period. Most of all, she sees how the nicest person she knew, is now cold and mean to anyone who crosses her path. It’s not that she chose to be like this, but after so many false promises, betrayal, and the revelation of the truth, she finally saw how cruel life can be. She chose distance after a while, telling herself she will recover, only needing time for herself.

The author's comments:

This is for the kids who live life on the sidelines. You're not weird, you're unique and beautiful the way you are. 

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