Reality Of Life | Teen Ink

Reality Of Life

February 3, 2015
By Tatyania_ BRONZE, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Tatyania_ BRONZE, Bridgeport, Connecticut
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Make something successful out of myself

In life there are a few good things and a whole bunch of bad things. This generation in which I am living in is so crazy. There is so much violence. I am always seeing teenage girls getting pregnant, sick, and just having relations with any guy that they meet. There are so many gangs now a days and they are all kids. All these killings that are happening are done by the kids who are killing the people. These kids just need to understand that life is too short and they are just wasting their time smoking weed, selling drugs, and doing stupid stuff.

Now let me quickly talk about the good. You have good kids that are going to school and getting a amazing education, staying out of trouble and doing what they have to do to make it in life, in a postive way.

I lived the good and bad lifestyles and let me tell you the good and bad kids live the same exact lifestyles. The people that are doing the bad things do that to survive because they come from broken homes. Their mothers are probably on drugs and just doing stupid things, and the kids that are doing well go through the same exact thing. Instead of selling drugs and smoking weed and being in jails, the decided to go to school and get an education to get away from that lifestyle. They just want to better themselves. This is the life of a lot of kids all over society. So this is what the quote is, “There is only one good: knowledge, and one evil: ignorance”.
To me there is good but there is always evil that goes along with it.

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This article has 1 comment.

Mrs. Andrade said...
on Jan. 4 2016 at 8:48 am
I am so proud of you, I am also proud to be your teacher.