The Life Changing Agreement | Teen Ink

The Life Changing Agreement

December 8, 2014
By Carson17 SILVER, San Jose, California
Carson17 SILVER, San Jose, California
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Yes: I am a dreamer. For a dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world."

An ominous presence slowly filled on the inside. Every second I was cringing in agony, I knew that day would change my life. Going to each classroom was a traitorous task picking up my feet was the most difficult part. I felt like a lone star the only one that lights up the night sky. I remember everyone asking me if I was alright of course I replied saying yes I am fine. But I can still recall the feeling of that day, like a bear mauling me from the inside out. At 2:31 P.M. the bell startlingly rang hopefully ending my reign of sadness.

The drive home was a silent one which was really awkward because usually my dad is outgoing and conversing. Something about him that day threw me for a spin he looked joyous, but his eyes were calling out to me warning me to stay away. As soon as we turnsed into the driveway my state of mentality was thrown out the away.

When the car parked, silence gradually followed. As the emotions overwhelmed my heart I grasped the handle and propped the door open. I hopped and ran to the metal gate. Turning the handle imported thoughts of regret into my mind. I grabbed the knob and threw open the screechy beige door. I looked down at the broken tile which still to this day I do not think anyone fixed. I merely gave a glance to the left and I saw my favorite person in the world on the couch crying. I ran over and asked her what’s wrong she refused to tell me. And then she said those words that will haunt me forever. Mommy mommy… mommy is away for a while. She simply got up and walked away. I started to cry like a cub crying for their mother.

The author's comments:

This was the day my mom walked out. this was very emotional for me to write.

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