My Obsticale | Teen Ink

My Obsticale

December 5, 2014
By Eli Sager BRONZE, Claremont, Illinois
Eli Sager BRONZE, Claremont, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says I'm Possible” said Audrey Hepburn. Impossible is what I thought the day I tore my Anterior Cruciate ligament, just from sledding. My family and cousins were with us, my brother driving the four wheeler, me and my sister riding. She fell off the sled then me and I felt my knee pop when I hit the ground. I got up then fell down not able to get up again, we left left the field going to the house I'm thinking I’m not going to walk or sled for a while. Much like Helen Keller overcame the obstacle of not being able to communicate, I to overcame the obstacle of not being able to walk.
Helen had to overcome the obstacle of not being able to communicate. When she was a baby she got sick, and became blind and death. The Kellers hired Annie Sullivan to teach her, but when she got there they wouldn't let Annie teach Helen her own ways. But eventually Annie was able to teach Helen communication, and obedience. Like Helen Keller said, “ The highest result of education is tolerance”.
Like Helen Keller I also overcame the obstacle of hurting my knee. What I did was almost tear my Anterior Cruciate ligament, it made my knee swell up and I could not for about three weeks. What I did to overcome the obstacle was I just let the swelling go down, and after that it just went away. The way it resolved was I just walk around with my legs perfectly fine, although when we went to the doctor I actually did not have a tear.
Although the obstacles are different we share a few similarities. One way they are similar is Helen had to learn to walk blind, even though mine wasn't as bad I still had to re-walk. Another similarity is that Helen had family’s help getting around to other places, I also had families help. Helen Keller might of had it worse off than I did but theres still similarities.
Me and Helen both overcame difficult obstacles, hers not being able to communicate mine not being able to walk. What I learned from Helen's experience was that its not impossible to survive, only if you try. What I Learned from my experience is that it hurts to sled. You have to have obstacles in your life if you do not you're not human.

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