Proud to be an American | Teen Ink

Proud to be an American

November 7, 2014
By tbik23 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
tbik23 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am proud to be an american because of Barack Obama. As the face of the free people of America he endures a lot of scrutiny.  Through the hardships he does not quiver, back down, or levy them upon others.  But rather meets adversity with with an inspiring calmness that resonates throughout the american people instilling a certain feeling of peace.  For such peaceful resolutions he was awarded the nobel peace prize on oct 9 2009. 

I often find when I travel on vacations and mission trips. The people native to that area always ask “what is it like in the United States”, and with I smile I always reply “its the dream that never ends”.  Sure we have our fair share of lunatics, crazies, and sociopaths.  Thats what makes us the U.S, but then we have our leader like Barack Obama that leads us through his examples and guides us to love our neighbor.  It is that leadership and gregarity that makes me proud to be an american.

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