A Day Without My phone | Teen Ink

A Day Without My phone

October 31, 2014
By adrian olea BRONZE, San Fernando, California
adrian olea BRONZE, San Fernando, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A day without my phone. Why am I doing this? I am doing this because I want to see how my reactions would be without my cellular device. At first I was scared because I didn’t know what was I going to do without my phone. I love to listen to music when I ride my bike. While I ride my bike I listen to music so it can pump me up. At that moment I didn’t know what to do.

The day I am doing the “No Phone Day” is on Saturday. On Saturday I am having a party for my young brother. I decided to do it that day was because I was going to spend time with my family. But mostly I am on my phone going through my instagram feed or my friends snapchat story.

Today is Saturday, 9 A.M. and I just gave my phone to my mom so I can’t cheat. I was ready for the day. My dad and I went to the Carniceria to buy some Carne Asada, Chorizo and some Chicken. We had to clean the backyard and we also had to hang tarps so it could give shade. Throughout the cleaning I thought I had lost my phone because I was searching everywhere for it. My mom told me “Are you crazy? You gave me your phone in the morning.” I felt awkward after that.

I started getting frustrated because I wanted to know what time it was and I wanted to check if I had any emails or messages. I get a lot of messages from my friends saying that they have parties and that I should go.

It was already 3 P.M. and I started losing it because at that time I wasn’t really doing anything. I basically just watched my brother play FIFA 15. It wasn’t really fun because he’s always getting mad and throwing the control across the room. I don’t find that fun like he does. Everything for the party was already set up so we just had to wait for the people to start coming.

It is already 6:30 P.M. and the party has already started. Throughout the party I wanted to check my phone. I would try to ignore the fact that I couldn’t have my phone back. I saw mostly all of my family members on their cellphones going through their Facebook or Instagram. I was going to ask my uncle if he could let me borrow his phone so I could check my Instagram, but I decided not too.

It was getting pretty late and I was dying because I didn’t have my phone. My mom told me I should bond with my family. I decided to actually give it a try. I had a long conversation with my uncle from San Diego about how the beaches are over at San Diego. He told me that one day we will go as a family to the beach. The day turned out to be pretty fun because I actually got to meet more of my family members that I barely even knew about.

It’s Sunday morning and I was really tired because the party didn’t end till 1 or 2 A.M. I went to my mom and asked for my phone and she handed it to me. Once I got it, I unlocked it and had over 15+ messages and over 30+ emails. I was shocked.

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on Nov. 7 2014 at 3:33 pm
KennaWenna GOLD, Topeka, Kansas
18 articles 1 photo 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If your eye's could speak what would they say?" -The Book Thief

I went a whole two weeks without my phone, and to be honest I didn't even miss it. I realized that my whole day is spent on a device and I wanted to do some of the things that I used to do before I got one. I loved it, I would love not to have a phone, but my parents insist me to have. They think i'll keep asking for it back, but to think about it devices are kind of destroyer america, for the lack of communication between people, so actually i wouldn't ask for back, because it be worth giving up.