Let It Go | Teen Ink

Let It Go

October 27, 2014
By Thalia Brenes BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
Thalia Brenes BRONZE, Wilbraham, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I had to conquer the beast. Its presence tried to tear down my courage but I would not let it. It had abnormally large arms leaned over me as if it were about to grab me and snap me in half. I nervously blinked and realize what must be done.  I glanced up at the beast with courage and began to grab its limbs. I pulled my weight up and was on the first of many limbs to go. The giant stood motionless as its arm tangled here and there making it difficult to get through; it’s entangled body like a girl’s hair when it’s not brushed. Its head was bare with barely any hair left. What was left of the hair was a mix of a bland brown and a deep rich green.

I finally climbed to the middle branch grabbing the rope. Its rough surface scratched my hands like a barbed wire coming in contact with your hand. By my hand, there was a knot which I would have to hold on to in a couple seconds. The knot was tight like a child clinging to its mother for dear life. “Come on you can do it! Jump!!!” My cousins hollered in a chant. I nervously looked out towards the water, feeling its icy cold chill from up here. I then noticed a branch was blocking my way but it is too far out and too thick to break off. I then realized I was going to have to jump in a slanted direction to pass the branch. I didn’t know how I could possibly make the jump while taking the risk of coming into contact with the branch. “Thalia! Thalia! Thalia! THALIA!!!” They screamed repetitively as if they were mocking birds repeating my name. I again, began blinking nervously and thought, “You only live once” and jumped.

I quickly grabbed onto the rope and wrapped my legs around its wimpy being. The wind sliced through my hair as if the wind was trying to make me let go of the rope. I held on tight and looked down watching the water fly past me; like a time machine depicted in movies as I swung through the air. I looked up and realized I was at the point where the rope could not go any further. “Let go! Let go!” My cousins screamed in panic as if they were screaming that the world was going to end. I let go of the rope and felt my body rapidly move towards the water like the reverse speed of a rocket ship. I plunged into the water which soon enclosed all around me as if I were in a bubble. For a minute I stayed there in the darkness of the water. The water’s presence was calming except for the bitter taste of salt water on my lips. I ignored this and just floated there thinking, I did it! I Jumped! I then realized this little paradise couldn’t last forever. My lungs screamed and burned for air as if my lungs were on fire. I quickly moved my arms and began to swim towards the surface.

I then broke the surface as I gasped for air. I inhaled and exhaled slowly soon being able to breathe normal; air filling my lungs as if someone was blowing air into a balloon. I swim towards the little shore taking my time. I finally was able to touch my feet on the sand which was filled with sharp pebbles and was soft and was mushy. I stood up and began walking towards the little shore, my feet sinking into the sandy surface with every step I took. As I continued to walk, water droplets dripped down as if it were raining. My hair stuck to my neck as if it had been cemented there by glue. I feel my eyelashes are heavy and damp from the sea salt water which I still can taste on my lips. I walked towards my cousins who were screaming and hollering my name. “OMG that was awesome!” my cousin Amberlie said smiling. “I couldn’t even do that so I don’t know how you did it!”  My other cousin, Megan said with excitement.

“So, whose next?!” my Uncle said in a teasing voice walking up to us. My cousins all replied with an excuse and said no.  Then my Uncle began running towards us. We all screamed knowing his malicious plans. We all scattered and darted towards the boat as if a child was chasing a flock of birds that in fright, fly away. We all hopped onto the boat one by one grabbing our towels as we sat down. “I’m hungry” my cousin Nadia said holding her stomach as her stomach growled as if a beast was inside a cage trying to get out. “So, are you guys ready to go eat lunch?” my Uncle asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice. “YES!!!!” We all screamed in reply. My uncle turned on the engine to the boat which softly rumbled like a car engine. As the boat started to move away, my hair flew back gently from the wind as if the hair cemented on my neck earlier had disappeared. I closed my eyes smelling the salt from the water. I then opened my eyes and saw the giant tree now becoming a miniscule dot along with its shore. I then realized I had conquered one of my greatest fears and knew I would have to do this again next summer.

The author's comments:

This is a narrative essay of mine when I conquered a fear of mine. This essay describes the nature involved and my self esteem in a way. I hope people will realize anything is possible and you can conquer your fear of pretty much anything.

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