My Ray of Sunshine | Teen Ink

My Ray of Sunshine

October 27, 2014
By mollyanne BRONZE, Wyoming, Ohio
mollyanne BRONZE, Wyoming, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.”
― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

As soon as I answered the phone, I knew something was wrong.  I remember hearing the shakiness of my mom’s voice as she fought through the tears that were dying to escape her eyes.  Time slowed down as the words left her mouth.  My face got hot and my chest started pounding.  I had been anticipating this day for a while now, but no amount of time could have prepared me for the pain that was to come.


I put my hair curler down and held my head in my hands, refusing to open my eyes.  Maybe if I kept my eyes closed, she wouldn’t be gone and this would all just be a nightmare.  Although, this was worse than any nightmare I’d ever had and the pain got worse with every passing minute.  My mind swirled with confusion and grief as I tried to process what I’d just been told.  That morning I woke up thinking I was going to have a great day with my friends, but it turned into the saddest day I’d seen yet.

My mind flooded with memories of her, every part of her.  I imagined hugging her and how wonderful she’d smell.  Then the reality sunk in that I would never be able to hear her voice again or curl up in her arms.  My heart broke and tear stains painted my sleeves.  I wondered how I would ever be able to move on from this and then I realized that I never would.

 I ran outside to get some fresh air, wailing and screaming at the top of my lungs.  The darkness that consumed my body was interrupted by a shining light coming from above.  I looked up and saw a bright ray of sunshine peeking through the dark clouds.  Once again, I held my head in my hands and sobbed.  But this time, I opened my eyes and looked up at the light.

When I look at a ray of sunshine now, I think of how my grandma shined through the dark clouds that day.  I felt safe knowing that she would always be my ray of sunshine and I’d never have to feel alone ever again.  I miss her more and more every day, but I know I have the most amazing guardian angel watching over me. When I feel sad and alone, I go outside and look for my ray of sunshine.  No matter how many clouds there are in the sky, she always shines through.

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