Live in the Moment | Teen Ink

Live in the Moment

October 20, 2014
By Emma91698 BRONZE, Plainsboro, New Jersey
Emma91698 BRONZE, Plainsboro, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Smelly, murky air surrounded me but I couldn’t be happier. My friends and I had spent the whole day at the Made in America music festival. Smiling faces and screaming people filled the large, three stage outdoor area. The sun had gone down and with it brought cool, crisp air. I had waited all year for this moment. Music had always meant everything to me and I had always wanted to go to college for music business. But this night forever implanted in my mind how music can really change people.

Squished and packed we waited in a huge crowd for my favorite of the night DJ, Steve Aoki to come on. As I looked around I saw hundreds of elated people waiting for the same thing. To be honest the setting wasn’t very nice. There were empty bottles scattered on the floor, and the smell of sweaty people was unavoidable. But nothing seemed to bother anyone there. I thought to myself that this would be the best ending to a perfect day. I was happy and my friends were happy and that’s all I can really ask for. Suddenly as if an explosion had occurred the speakers and lights came to life and I knew it was just beginning.

The next few seconds were filled with the loudest screams I had ever heard. We stood three rows behind the stage where the person I had been waiting for all day, Steve Aoki stood. The speakers blared with the noise of one of his songs. Steve Aoki lifted his arms into the air and it seemed that the whole world shook with the noise coming from the mass of people. For a second I thought how amazing it was that something like this could bring all types of people together. It didn’t feel like I was with a ton of strangers. Instead I felt a sense of community with people I knew were here for the same reason I was, to see one of their favorite musicians. Around me all I felt was unfamiliar skin from the dancing strangers. I looked at my friends to see faces all lit up from the light show happening on the stage in front of us. I knew from then it could only get better.

I sensed that the end of his set was ending and so far he had blown my expectations out of proportion. Still the smell of sweat and dirt clung to the air but now more than ever I could care less what was happening there or outside of that small area because I wanted to remember this night forever. There were only two songs left and above me I started seeing tons of girls sitting on people’s shoulders. I looked at my friend and I could tell he knew what I was thinking. Next thing I knew I was at least six feet above the crowd. From there it seemed I could see everything. Trees in the distance of the park, tops of building coming from Philly, cars speeding by on the nearby road, and more prominent than anything the hundreds of people piled behind us. I turned my head to I could see the mass of young people who were dancing, taking videos or pictures, and just seeming to have the best time of their lives. That’s when I realized that no matter what troubles anyone in that crowd  had in normal life, everyone was happy to be there in that moment. Being surrounded by that kind of energy was something I had never experienced. Although that day did eventually end and I did have to face the long ride home I like to remember that day from just that moment and it’s something I’ll never forget.

I learned a lot more from that day then I ever expected to. I realized that I never want to not be around music. I want to work in the music industry so I can bring moments like this to other people. I want to be able to bring music and cheerfulness to people who may not be very happy in their normal lives. I also learned something that can’t be taught by your parents or from teachers, but can only be gained from life experience. I realized that to be truly happy in everything you do, you have to appreciate the small, joyful moments that come. So maybe everything won’t be as huge as this event was. But if you always remember to take one thing at a time and remember the small things that made you laugh or smile, I truly think that anyone can be happy.

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