Personal Metaphor | Teen Ink

Personal Metaphor

October 16, 2014
By ashhdiego GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
ashhdiego GOLD, Ormond Beach, Florida
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If I could be anything, I would relate myself to the ocean. Not just the calm flat ocean that people like to appreciate on sunny days, but also the rapid, quick-paced ocean that is sometimes rougher than it seems. Some days I can be calm and collected, but on other days, a windstorm can come in my path and I’m rough water from there on out. Being a teenage girl, my mood changes quicker than the tides, you should be warned that I can suck you in as quick as I can wash you out. I can be shallow in some areas, but there is more depth to me than what meets the naked eye. Even though I may have depth to my personality, some people only see me as just water and nothing else. But, just like the ocean, I have many hidden strengths and talents that people seem to over look.
I can be cold like a winter’s day, as well as I can be warm like a sunny afternoon. The type of environment around me, such as how hard the wind blows that day, always affects my temperature. You don’t want to catch me on a cold day because it’s like swimming in ice water, but on a warm day it’s like drinking a refreshing beverage on a sunny afternoon. I may be a tad salty from time to time, but don’t underestimate the goodness behind my saltiness. It can be used as a healing power for everyone that comes in contact with it. Just like going in the ocean with a fresh wound, it burns for a little while, but after you get out it heals faster than ever. I also relate to the salt in the ocean in the sense that I have this need to heal and relieve everyone of their problems, because I hate seeing people suffer. I give life to all of the people and things around me, just as the ocean provides a sanctuary for the living plants and animals in its area. Lastly, I’ve been fortunate enough to travel to many places around the world, and go as I please. I am like the ocean in the sense that I am a wanderer, trying to soak up as many new experiences as I can, and hoping to travel to many more places, as I get older and wiser.

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