At war with myself | Teen Ink

At war with myself

September 25, 2014
By Anonymous

Sometimes your emotions get the best of you. Your act on your urges through an impulse. Do I really wanna throw this all away? Or do I relax and gain my focus back. I loved what I found in you from the start, not how we ended. How could you do this to me I tried and tried. I even cried for you. But I forget that I'm the a**hole that f**ks everything up.... I'm done trying for something that isn't worth my time. I'm done cutting over someone who isn't worth my blood. I'm done crying over someone who isn't worth my tears. I'm tired of fighting for Someone who isn't worth the fight. Why start a fight when it would be a war? Pick up the bombshells of my past self, try to put back the pieces to when everything was worth it.. When I was the lowest I ever was...

The author's comments:

This was written at a point in time where I had no idea what I was becoming.

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