Heart Beat and Lies | Teen Ink

Heart Beat and Lies

September 23, 2014
By Jessica Mohrlang BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Jessica Mohrlang BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone has that one thing that makes their heart beat. Then there are the lies. Being able to distinguish them is just the beginning of happiness. As long as you can tell what makes your heart beat and makes you feel alive, you will be ok. You will have a good life. The lies in your life need to be removed. They bring you down; make it harder for you to live. The lies in your life are the things that make you hurt, make you feel sad. No one needs to live their life in the lies. Live in the moments that make you feel alive; that make your heart beat.

The author's comments:

I hope people take away from this piece that it is better to live life to the fullest and live with the people/things that make them feel good about them selves.

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