Being Me | Teen Ink

Being Me

September 16, 2014
By Anonymous

I like being me it’s great and fun. i have a mom and dad that smoke. My dad drinks and my mom does occasionally. People are so crazy these days thinking oh if I try it once I won’t get addicted. Well you do and those cigarettes cost you. Health wise and cash it’s outrageous. My birth mo  left  me at just four months old. She was a drugatic and was incapable of taking care of me. So she gave me to my dad and he was 20 at the time. he had no time to grow  up or have fun. He had a baby girl to take care of. He could have put me in foster care and the amazing thing was he didn't know if I was his. He took this baby from a changed woman. Who he used to think highly of but know doesn’t. When they say your not you when your on drugs it’s true. My birth mom lied,stole,gave me up,and was violent. All she cared about was drugs she had to get them no mater what it took. I thank her for teaching me a valuable lesson don't do drugs. I will never not once do them I want to be the best mother in the future. I want to be successful and be something she couldn't but now wish she could. It’s not worth the seconds,minutes,or hours of that buzz or sensation. She now wants to be a par of my life but I can't have her be she betrayed and hurt me. It took her 16 years to get off and she's been only clean for six,but she keeps going back. Why I don't understand she could have had so many bright things ahead of her like me that she missed out on. Smoking I will never smoke cigarettes my dad has had terrible coughs and wastes money on them My aunt died from lung cancer and her condition scarred me for life she was only 40 when she died.  She looked about 60 with her wrinkles ,cough and had to have a machine breather for her. I was only six when I visited her before she died in that hospital. I will drink but when I'm older when I can handle it. It’s not cool to do these three things look what it did to people i loved it’s sad. I think if people had experiences like me they would not even think about doing these things. They can ruin your future and just so you can be cool you do them. That’s sad be you and do what’s right. Show other kids like me you can still be cool and not smoke,do drugs,alcohol. I thank my dad for taking me he literally saved my life from danger and thats why we have such a close relationship. I could never thank him enough or give him enough kisses and hugs. We cry together every time we bring up my birth mom and are glad I am safe. So don't put you or anybody you love in this position stay clean and be positive things. Ig=f you have issues  someones out there for you and it will get better. Don't turn to these 3 evil things. Positive things lead you to a positive future. Good luck and I hope you now know the right design to make don't smoke,do drugs or drink alcohol.

The author's comments:

I want readers to be touched by my stories and be steered to the right path Never give up hope 

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This article has 1 comment.

on Sep. 19 2014 at 4:17 pm
Brittany1996 SILVER, Waupun, Wisconsin
9 articles 1 photo 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
Never let the fear of striking out, keep you from playing the game.

It was an interesting story but it really needed to be edited. I found about ten grammer mistakes just in the first 20 sentences. Also you went from drinking, to smoking, to your dad keeping you at a young age, to drugs, to your aunt and so on and so forth. The readers get lost in the story because they don't really know what your focal point is. I wanted to say it was smoking but then the other parts of the story shouldn't be added. Keep trying.