Life Lessons In Football | Teen Ink

Life Lessons In Football

August 6, 2014
By malcolm11 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
malcolm11 BRONZE, Auburn, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The thing I learned about football is it’s not only about you it’s about the whole team, it’s not who is better than who it’s more about team work and who you can play with.

The life lesson I learned in playing is how you play and how the team plays. If you mess up the team messes up if you lose the team loses. It’s not only about one person its about the whole team and the coaches. Even if the other players are not as good as you they still got to do their part its all about teamwork and sportsmanship. Also if you mess up you probably will not make the same mistake because you learn from them quick.

We were in a game against Rome Free Academy at Rome Free Academy and we were down by four with like four minutes to go it was are ball the crowd was cheering them on as we were only on their 20 yard line no one thought we would score because we were far but they thought wrong we kept running the ball and kept getting like 10 yards every play finally our running back hit the hole and ran in for a 30 yard touchdown we were up by three it was there ball with like two minutes to go and the first play they did was a fumble and we recovered it and knead the ball to stop the clock. The only reason why we won that game was because nobody gave up.

The best feeling is when you try your hardest and best and you come up with a win. The worst feeling is not trying your hardest or best and losing and my coaches told me it’s not always about winning or losing, it’s about having fun and trusting each other. The team is not only a team you guys are like brothers.

Another life lesson in football is communication and being responsible for your position. Communication is an important part in football because when you're on the the field and you don’t communicate, you don’t know what’s going on. For example, if you don’t call the strength calls, your linebackers don’t know what to do and the other team could score or get yards. That’s why communication is important. Knowing your position and how to play it is also a big thing in football to because if you don't know how to play your position, you will make a mistake and it’s not only going to hurt you, it will hurt your team as well. Also, if you don't know how to play your position, you won’t play and if you don’t know where to go some one could blindside you and you could get hurt. That’s why you have to know how to play your position. Not only because those reasons, but also to win. If everyone plays their part, then that should be a automattic win.

As you can see these are the life lesson I learned through football.

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