How Much Your Words Mean To ME! | Teen Ink

How Much Your Words Mean To ME!

May 29, 2014
By CasandraWest SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
CasandraWest SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"imagination is the beginning of creation" -George Bernard Shaw

Her skin started to turn red as she continues to argue with the old women. The people behind her stare at the two women arguing towards the middle of the room. The old man still trying to get them to sit down before the pastor would come walking down the stairs. The younger women gets close to the other woman's face before throwing her hand off of her. “Why are you still trying to talk to me? I'm not my grandpa I don't care what you have to say to me!” the old women frowned then tried again.
“ I’m not trying to take your grandmas place, I'm only here to help your grandpa recover from what he lost. I have no family left to go to anymore so I know what it feels like to lose people that you loved. Your grandpa’s in pain and I offered to stay by his side and help him until he gets better; until what happened gets easier to accept. I'm not trying to to take her place.” The old women slightly smiled at the younger women; still trying to make peace between her.
“ NO! it’s none of your business what our family is going through, why are you even talking to me? If MY grandpa was in pain like he tries to say he is he would have came to us, his family, you're not part of our family. You can't just come in here and try to understand everything thats happening to all of us, I know you’ve lost people in your own family but not everyone takes loss the same way. You don't belong in this at all and if you were smart you’d stop trying to reason with me when I'M not interested in what you're trying to do because its a little messed up that instead of coming to his family he finds someone like you.” The young women points violently at her face before shooting a unforgiving glance at her grandpa.
The old man finally gets up and walks over to the two women slowly coming to a stop in front of the younger women.“ Why are you trying to be apart of my family? you think you can just come in and be nice to everyone and we’ll be obligated to accept you? you're not going to get anywhere if you keep trying to talk down to me lady, I don't like you and I wont ever like you.” The old man looked at his granddaughter as he fought the tears pushing on his eyes; however she showed no remorse and kept her ground.
“ So much pain dear, you’ve been through so much pain, why do you do this to yourself? you haven't even given me the chance to show you that I’m not trying to hurt you or anyone in your family, i'm only here to make your grandpa happy.” The old women appeared sad as she tried to touch the younger woman's arm for some kind of reassurance, but she immediately snatched her arm away.
“ If you touch me you're going to regret it!” The old man steps in front of the old women.
“Stop it! stop acting like this why are you doing this to me? do you not want me to be happy? I loved your grandma, you know that…” the younger women flings her hand in to his face, with a quick response.
“You want to know why I'm in so much pain? maybe its because my grandpa didn't even care that my grandma died, maybe its because shortly after she died he came home with you. she hasn't even been dead for a year and hes already replaced her with you! everytime I go to her grave theres just dirt because hes too busy trying to move on with life with you! I’m not going to stop until you stop what you're doing. And if you want this and this makes you happy, good for you, but i'm not going to stay and watch I will cut you off and you wont have to worry about my life, you wont be in it.” The old man got close to the young woman's face and whispered to her.
“Don't do this. You know I loved your grandma with all my heart, I would have died for her Casandra; Carol has nothing to do with this. And if you don't want me to be happy then why don't you finish me off take whats left of my heart and leave my body for the birds.” The younger women looked at the old man and smiled.
“ Do I?” the young girl stared at the old man “ stop wasting your time trying to talk to me, you do what you want with your life grandpa, or should I say Ben; God knows what you've done.” The young women glances at the old man and the withered women before she silently walks away.

The author's comments:
Me an my grandpa grew further apart after my grandma died, so we already didn't like each other. Shorty after my grandma had passed away he got this girlfriend that no one in my family liked and he started bring her to family events, bringing her to his house.

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