Cancer | Teen Ink


May 27, 2014
By Anonymous

Nobody likes going to the doctor’s office, especially when they get bad news. Andrea, Denny, and Julie all went to the doctor to get Julie’s test results. They were sitting in the room, nervous. After waiting ten minutes the doctor finally came in the room with a look on his face that would never make a person happy.

“What’s wrong?” Julie asked.

“I have some bad news,” The doctor replied.

“Tell me now! Just get it over with!”

“You have cervical cancer.”
“How bad?”

“Not too bad, you just have to get surgery and hopefully that will cure it all.”

Julie started to cry as Denny and Andrea rubbed her back. They were all upset with the news they received, nobody could think to speak. Until, Julie decided she wanted to say something.

“Everything will be okay, right?”

“Yes. Everything is alright and you can get surgery, hopefully getting rid of the cancer,” Andrea said.

“I know. I hope it works.”

“It will.”

They all calmed down after that doctor appointment, leaving with looks on their face that showed it’s not a good day.

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