Summer Days | Teen Ink

Summer Days

May 27, 2014
By Anonymous

On a warm, sunny summer day, Andrea, Peyton, and Emily were all hanging out, walking around the subdivision. Andrea got tired of walking and wanted to ride her ripstik. So all three girls walked down to Andrea’s house. As they started to walk around the subdivision again, Andrea wanted to ride down this big hill by her house. She thought to herself, “I always ride my bike down this hill, I think I’ll be fine riding down this hill on my ripstik.” As they approached the big hill Andrea got ready.

“I’m going to ride down this big hill,” Andrea said.

“Go for it,” Peyton replied.

Andrea started to accelerate, going faster and faster. She started to freak out, scared of how fast she was going.

“I want to get off! What should I do?” Andrea screamed.

“Jump off into the grass,” Peyton yelled.

“Okay, I’ll try,” Andrea replied.

As Andrea started to jump off, the ripstik swerved away from the grass. She didn’t notice what was happening until she already jumped. She hit the concrete with a loud SMACK! Then she started to roll. Peyton and Emily laughed till their abs started to feel pain like they just worked out at the gym. Andrea was so filled with adrenaline she didn’t feel any pain, so as she saw Emily and Peyton laughing she did as well. But, after a few seconds of laughing she felt slight stinging on her knee. She looked down, watching blood gush out.

Emily and Peyton noticed Andrea wasn’t laughing anymore. They felt so guilty for laughing at her fall that they ran over to her.
“Are you okay, Andrea?” Peyton asked.

“I think so. It just hurts a little bit.”

“Do you need help getting up?”

“Yes, please.”

Peyton and Emily picked Andrea up and carried her to her house.

“I’m sorry for laughing at your fall, Andrea.”

“It’s fine.”

They reached Andrea’s house and brought her into her brother’s room. Danielle, her brother’s girlfriend, was sitting on his bed. She hopped right up when she saw Andrea’s knee.

“Are you okay!?”

“Not really, it’s really starting to hurt.”

“What happened?”

“Long story.”

Danielle helped Peyton and Emily put Andrea on the bed. Danielle ran to get the first aid kit. She grabbed this wipe out and started to wipe Andrea’s knee off. When her knee was as clean as it could get, they noticed something… Rocks! Andrea had a few rocks stuck in her knee from the road. Danielle frantically looked through the aid kit for some tweezers. When she found some she carefully picked each rock out, one by one, until they were all gone. Danielle bandaged Andrea’s knee up while everyone gave her a lecture about the decision she made of riding down the big hill without any safety gear on. But, after giving Andrea the lecture, Danielle turned to Peyton and Emily, giving them the lecture of letting Andrea “go for it.” After that day, Andrea decided to never ride down that hill again.

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