Self-Harm Awareness | Teen Ink

Self-Harm Awareness

May 13, 2014
By Tatertotz BRONZE, Olivehurst, California
Tatertotz BRONZE, Olivehurst, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Ah, yes. The past can hurt. But the way i see it, you could either run from it or learn from it"

Self harm is the act of intentionally hurting oneself. It is most frequently known in the form of cutting, but it could also be pinching, scratching, bruising, or even punching walls.

Most people who see that kids self harm don't understand it. I feel that it is really just something that will not be understood.

i feel that it is a growing problem. 10% of all teens self harm. The number of teens who harm themselves is increasing every year.

There are many teens who self harm and no one notices. They perfect their fake smiles and make the phrase "I'm fine" seem believable. And if people do notice, they do little to nothing about it.

There are many reasons why teens self harm. It is seen as a way of expressing and dealing with deep distress and emotional pain. It is used as a form of control when they feel like they cannot control what is going on in their life.

Bullying and family issues are two of the biggest problems that cause teens to self harm. It could be a reaction to feeling rejected, humiliated, depressed or angry. Which are all emotions felt when bullied or abused.

These teens feel that the only way to deal with their emotional pain is to make it physical. It shows people how badly they are hurting when words cannot explain.

It is true, sometimes self harm is for the teens as a distraction but most of the time it is for attention. It is their cry for help.

Although it may seem like it, these kids are not always suicidal. People see the cuts or bruises and immediately think that these kids are trying to kill themselves. That is sometims true but not always.

90% of teens with reported cases of self harm have overdosed. this is because so many cases go unnoticed until it is too late.

What can be done:

The schools need to identify and address the situation, designate a person to deal with self harm, contact parent and inform students and staff about self harm.

Friends and family can be supportive. don't get mad or freak out. Stay calm and make sure the child feels safe to open up.

Some alternatives are drawing, working out and listening to music. Really just doing whatever makes you happy.

Work Cited:

"Cutting & Self-Harm." Cutting and Self-Harm: Self-Injury Help, Support, and Treatment. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2014.

"Home|" .N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2014.

"|Understanding Teen Cutting and Self Harm." a A free resource from Boys Town. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 May 2014.

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