Lost Love | Teen Ink

Lost Love

May 8, 2014
By Anonymous

My world was swallowing me whole. I thought everything was perfect, and we were, well we were and now we’re not, so its over. How it ended like this, I might never know, but I am still recovering from the fight. That one 23rd night of December. What happened… Why can’t you be mine once more? I wonder if he regrets leaving me, as if I meant anything to him. He just cut the connection between. An awkward aura was cursed upon me, since you left. Every time I look into your eyes, I don’t see perfection and utter bliss; I see a flame of chains and needles puncturing my heart. I’m still scarred. Promises, vows, words, secrets, memories.. It meant nothing to you. You took the easy way out. Did you even care about me at all, or was this all part of your routine of kindness.. Those days we were together, alone and stuck in our own euphoria. I miss those days. I want them back. You can apologize, cry, beg, and try to earn my trust and love again once more, but my mind is set. I can’t go back to yesterday when I am living for today, but maybe tomorrow, you can amuse me with your lies and ambiguous excuses…

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