Picture Day | Teen Ink

Picture Day

April 2, 2014
By Ananomous BRONZE, Grandvile, Michigan
Ananomous BRONZE, Grandvile, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

I was waiting for picture day and everyone doing a spring sport was in the gym. Everyone in track had their warm ups- their sweat shirt and sweat pants- even though it was only three o clock. I thought pictures were at four, but i wasn't sure so i just got mine on just in case. I pulled them on for the first time over my shorts, and they were a little too big around the waste. I looked around at the others and could see several other people with the same problem. I was thinking it was fine until coach stark came in.

“Lets go, outside ten minute jog!” he yelled over the commotion. We all walked out the side door toward the track and halfway we started our jog early. Once we got to the track i really had problems with my pants being too large. I was holding them up and looking ahead to see several other people holding up their pants. I was relieved I was wearing shorts underneath but after a lap I asked coach if I could go change into my own sweat pants.

“just hold them up for no- actually we’re doing warms ups out here too just jog there as part of your warm up” he told me. I started jogging back only to see the girls also going to the track and all I could do was pull up my pants and jog.

The author's comments:
What inspired me was a story my teacher told us about his friend when he peed his pants on a date

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