My Cousin | Teen Ink

My Cousin

February 18, 2014
By MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
MissRenae PLATINUM, Montgomery, Alabama
28 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Karl Nathaniel Jr. was born in Huntsville, Alabama on October 15, 2005. He now lives in Madison, Alabama with his mother and father. Karl is seven years old and he is the only child. Karl has caramel colored skin, brown eyes, black hair, and a little small mole on his cheek. He would also be considered tall for age his age.

Karl has a fun – loving lively personality that fits him very well. He is always keeping himself busy by playing sports or video games. I remember the time when my family and I went to visit Karl. Once we made it to his house he asks,” Do you want to play a game”?

I then told Karl, “Sure what do you want to play”. Karl went running to his room pulling out a variety of toys and trinkets. Sometimes he did not know what game he wanted to play. Karl then suggested playing a game of basketball. Once we were outside on the drive way Karl said, “Let’s check the ball first”. Then he said, “Do play number two”. I looked at him in a weird way because I do not know what play number two is.

Although I didn’t know we continued on with our game of basketball. Whenever I am playing a game with Karl I remember to let him win all the games. If I do not let him win he may sometimes be a sore loser. And when he is a sore loser he may start to whine and pout. Karl only does it when he does not get his way. When he is pouting he makes a face, he balls up his hands, and he folds up his arms. Then he will talk back to me in a high-pitched loud voice. I find it funny when Karl starts to pout. He does not like it when I do laugh and he will say, “Stop laughing it’s not funny”. My mom will say, “Stop aggravating him”. My aunt will say, “That he will be alright and that he will have to get over it”. I will admit that I was aggravating him but I was really just joking around with Karl.

Even though Karl may sometimes be a sore loser he is really good at a variety of sports. He has played football, baseball, basketball, and soccer. My mom often mentions to me that, “Karl is really good at handling a basketball”. And I can tell that he will be really good because he can remember some plays that he has learned when he played in a youth basketball program.

I remember the day when Karl was born and how excited I was about meeting him. Now he is seven years old and he seems as if he could tell me everything I needed to know about certain sports that he has played. I will continue to watch he him grow up and do well in all that he does. Karl is my cousin on my mother’s side of the family and I love with all my heart.

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