My Addiction | Teen Ink

My Addiction

January 17, 2014
By sophieduguay BRONZE, Charlottetown, Other
sophieduguay BRONZE, Charlottetown, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
'All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.' -Walt Disney

One day I came home to find a new app on the Xbox, Netflix. I had heard of Netflix before but had never bothered to actually go see what it was. Turns out it’s an American provider of on-demand Internet streaming media, in other words, a very easy way to watch TV shows or movies whenever you want. It was pretty cool at first until I got sucked in.

One day I’m watching season 7, the next day I’m on season 9; one day I’m healthy with good grades, the next day I’m sick in addition to almost flunking school. I went from getting 100s to 60s. Who would have thought a media streamer could be so dangerous? This is a dream come true for the founders, Marc Randolph as well as Reed Hastings.

Did you know, Netflix is the number one cause for TV addiction in not only North but also South America. It starts off with your friends suggesting you a TV show then once you’re ready to move on, Netflix suggests a few more series you might enjoy. The feeling of having the plastic remote in your hand, with rubber buttons that scream your name is possibly one of the best feelings ever but someone with no will power, like myself, won’t know when to set the remote down and call it quits.

My Netflix addiction started during the summer when I had all the time in the world. When school came back around I slowed down, in fact, I only watched a movie here and there; but when Christmas break hit, my Netflix addiction really took a toll on both myself and my sleeping schedule, which had an effect on my school work once the new year swung around.

Falling asleep no earlier than three became a habit and unfortunately, my sleep schedule did not return to normal, falling asleep before three was simply just not an option. Waking up at 6:30 for school meant only three and a half hours of sleep! How is one supposed to stay awake, let alone concentrate at school when one is exhausted and has no energy? Speaking from experience, I can say it’s very difficult.

When you are addicted, you end up needing glasses due to the many hours in front a screen. Your eyes have gone bad but kicking an addiction to the curb is very hard. I don’t know how many times I’ve told my mother I’ll probably be needing glasses at the end of my current series. My eyes get either tired or fuzzy but I keep them planted in front of the screen watching Netflix but who’s fault is it? My own? Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings? My parents’ for getting Netflix? I don’t know but, I do know I am addicted.

I need help; so what are my options? Is there a Netflix Anonymous club I can join?

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