Car Crash | Teen Ink

Car Crash

January 6, 2014
By sloppyjo BRONZE, Everson, Washington
sloppyjo BRONZE, Everson, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
To give anything less than your best, is to sacrifice the gift.
Steve Prefontaine

It was a dark Tuesday night the stars where hidden from the thin misty clouds .I was driving down alm hill on my way home from a cross country team dinner when it happened. It happened fast. So fast like it never really happened I know it did thou it is hard to miss, hard not to notice. What happened was that that I crashed my car. First I went off the road, then I hit a tree and flipped on my side then bounced off of a rock and landed leaning on the ground falling into a another tree. It was the scariest thing I can remember. My black 1998 volts wagon jetta Wolfsburg was not able to drive another inch. I sat in my car saying “this did not just happen” over and over “this did not just happen this did not just happen” as I sat In my car I look in what is left of my rear view mirror and saw two tail lights as I stumbled to unbuckle my seat belt clutching onto the steering wheel with the fear of landing on my head into the rock and shards of glass. As I stand on the wet ground. As I inhale I smell smoke and I start to freak out thinking that my car was in flames and was going to explode like in the movies. As I was franticly trying to find a way out is look in my rear view mirror and I see two tail lights stopped on the road I can hear them talking. There saying are” you ok can you get out are you ok”

I yell back to them” my door won’t open I can get out I am stuck”

They yelled back “can you get to the back and roll the window down”

“yeah I think so” I yelled back as I walk to the back of the car I feel scared not knowing if I will be able to get out. I get to the window and start cranking glad that the car dose not need to be on I remember the keys are still in the ignition and reach over and pull them out. Then I started to crank the window as I step on the side of the seat to climb out I see you stopped to help me it was john. Standing on the side of my car I hop down into the grass and walk over to the street he ask me if I had called my dad yet and I said no. so I dilled my home phone and licensed to it ring shaking in the cold and frightened to tell my dad what happened I hear someone on the other side. It was my dad. So I said “hey uhhh dad I crashed my car in the ditch sideways in the ditch.

My dad says “are you ok I am on my way” and hangs up the phone. I call him back and ask him to bring a rope or chain to get my car back on its side. After he herd that he raced over to where I was. With no rope. So as i waited for my dad’s arrival my frinde shawn’s sister serenity drives by to go get shawn. After a while they drive back down but this time they stopped to see what happened after I told them that I was ok they headed home a little bit longer my dad showed up. And that’s when everything came in my phone would not stop ringing and a number of people came down to come see me we ended up calling a tow truck and waited for him to get here. When he arrived he asked us if we were going to use inherence. We said yes and I prayed that it would not go up by a lot. Then he told us he could not touch the car until there was a police report on what happened. So we called 911 and reported it. About an hour later there was the car driving up and the police officer steps out he asked me what happened and I explained it to him the first thing he says to me is. So we both know that you where speeding. And I replied no I was going the speed he says agin you where speeding . so I replied no I was going 35. He states that that’s the speed limit. So I told him that that is why I was going that fast. That’s when my dad jumps in and says that I just came from around the corner and it was not possible for me to be speeding. He decides no to argue the point any more and not give us a ticket. So then we have to go through a long proses of filling out papers and singeing things when the tow truck leaves the police officer says to me “your not hurt right” no I am ok I say back he says good because calling an ambulance would have taken 3 more hours and it was already 11 pm so we head our other ways and I go to sleep only to wake up to go to study table the next morning.

The author's comments:
it was for class

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jan. 9 2014 at 9:54 am
Kendra_Hem BRONZE, Everson, Washington
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
No matter how many mistakes you make or how slow you progress, you are still way ahead of everyone who isn’t trying. -Tony Robbins

Good Details! i like the dialougue of how you were thinkning!